Convergent & Divergent Validity of the GRCS Samples

Correlations Between Total Scale Score of Masculinity Inventories and Sub Scales of the GRCS

Total Score of: GRCS Factor1 Masculine Gender Role Stress Scale (Fisher & Good 1995) Male Role Norm Scale (Good, Debord, Fisher, & Heppner, 1997) Brannon Masculinity Scale (Good et al 1995) Male Role Norm Inventory (Lin, 2002) Macho Scale (Walker et al, 2000) Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (Mahalik et al, 2003)
SPC .52** .33** .62** .44** .43** .51***
RE .34** .30** .29** .27** .25** .48***
RABBM .44** .34** .51** .35** .44** .41***
CBWFR .17** .11** .06** .24** .14 .09
TOTAL GRCS SCORE .51** .39** .60** .46** ______ .56***

1SPC = Success, Power, Competition
RE = Restrictive Emotionality
RABBM = Restrictive and Affectionate Behavior Between Men
CBWFR = Conflict Between Work and Family Relations


Convergent and Divergent Validity Assessment of GRCS and Other Gender Related Measures

Total Score of: Liberal Feminist Attitude Ideology Scale (Walker et al, 2000) Index of Homophobia (Walker, et al, 2000)(Tokar & Jome, 1998) Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ) Sex Role Egalitarianism (Englar Carlson & Vandiver, 2002)
GRCS Factor1 Tokar & Jome 1998 Walker et al, 2000 Sharpe & Heppner 1991


Sharpe & Heppner 1991


Sharpe, Heppner & Dixon 1995


Sharpe, Heppner & Dixon 1995


Robertson & Fitzgerald 1992


Robertson & Fitzgerald 1992


SPC -.02 .35** .36** .29* -.26 .28 -.08 .04 -.14 -16*
RE -.09 .38** .20** -.09 -.36 -.11 -.36* -.26 -.39 -.18**
RABBM -.15 .56** .39** -.17 -.14 .05 -.29* N/A N/A -.25**
CBWFR .25** ____ .11 .00 .06 .06 .03 N/A N/A .06

1SPC = Success, Power, Competition
RE = Restrictive Emotionality
RABBM = Restrictive and Affectionate Behavior Between Men
CBWFR = Conflict Between Work and Family Relations


Gender Role Conflict Factor Intercorrelations (Moradi, et. al, 2000)

Gender Role Conflict Factor Intercorrelations
SPC 0.49 0.52 0.45
RE 0.49 0.68 0.35
RABBM 0.52 0.68 0.35
CBWFR 0.45 0.35 0.35


SPC = Success, Power, Competition
RE = Restrictive Emotionality
RABBM = Restrictive and Affectionate Behavior Between Men
CBWFR = Conflict Between Work and Family Relations


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