Descriptions of symposia on men’s GRC presented at the American Psychological Association conventions (1980 - 2015) are shown below.  The titles and topics of these symposia, the presenters, and their research papers are listed. Other theoretical and empirical papers on GRC presented at the APA convention over the years are also found in this file.

Why list these symposia and papers? It is about giving credit where credit is due! Those colleagues participating in these symposia deserve special recognition and credit for their many important contributions. I am very grateful to the researchers and scholars who participated in these symposia and believed that GRC could be measured and understood.

Furthermore, I want to recognize and thank Dr. Glenn Good, University of Florida, who co-chaired with me, GRC symposia at the APA conventions for 15 consequent years (1993- 2008). Glenn’s personal support and research skills made a real difference in the progression of the GRC research program over many years.

Symposia Topics: 1980-2023

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Contextualism, gender role conflict studies and three empirical studies – Implications. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 14, 2010, San Diego, CA.

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Gender role conflict studies of football athletes, male nurses, and undergraduate students. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 10, 2009, Toronto, Canada.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Four studies assessing the contextual complexity of the gender role conflict construct. Symposium conducted at the American psychological Association, Boston, MA., August, 2008.

O’Neil, J. M. & Good, G .E. Gender role conflict diversity studies and 25 year research summary. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA., August, 2007

O’Neil, J. M. & Good, G .E. Gender role conflict research studies: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA., August, 2007

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. (Chairs). Gender role conflict research and diversity – Sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. August 2006.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. (Chairs) Gender role conflict research studies: Assessing contexual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2005

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Four empirical studies and new research paradigm. Symposium presented at the Annual American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii, July , 2004.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium presented at the Annual American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2003.

Rochlen, A. Gender role conflict research: Innovative uses, applications, and directions. Symposium presented at the Annual American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2003.

Blazina, C. & Pisecco, S. Gender role conflict scale for adolescents: Psychometric issues and applications. Symposium presented at the Annual American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL, August, 2002.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Empirical studies and twenty-year summary. Symposium at the American Psychological Association convention. Chicago, IL., August, 2002.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Testing new constructs and dimensions empirically. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association convention, San Francisco, CA, August, 2001.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role Conflict in the year 2000 – Innovative Directions. Symposium at the annual convention of the American psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 2000.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.: August, 1999

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Expanding empirical research in men’s studies. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA., August, 1998.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Implications for the new psychology of men. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL., August, 1997.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Men’s gender role conflict: Research advancing the new psychology of men. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 9, 1996.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Men’s gender role conflict research: New directions in counseling men. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 11, 1996 (Co-chair).

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Men’s gender role conflicts: Empirical studies advancing the psychology of men. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August 13, 1995.

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Men and Masculinity: Men’s Studies in Counseling Psychology. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA., August 13, 1994.

O’Neil, J.M.& Good, G.E. Research on men’s sexual assault and constructive gender role interventions. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August, 20, 1993.

Good, G.E. Psychology of men: Recognizing and affirming healthy conceptualization of masculinity. Symposium presented at the 100th convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C., August 14, 1992.

O’Neil, J. M. Symposium: Men studies in Counseling Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 1991.

O’Neil, J. M., & Good, G. Men’s gender role conflict: Definitions, case study, and three empirical studies. Symposium presented at the 96th Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 12-16, 1988.

O’Neil, J. M., Skovholt, T. M., Scher, M., Birk, J., Hanson, G., & Collison, B. Sex role conflicts, sexism, masculinity: Psychological implications for counseling psychologists. Symposium presented at the 88th convention of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada, September 1-5, 1980.

Papers Present at the American Psychological Association (1984- Present)

Addelston, J. (August, 1995). Gender role conflict in elite independent high schools. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New York, New York.

Allooh, N., Rummell, C.M., & Levant, R.F. (August, 2010). Examining the “Emo” culture in college students. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA

Amato, P. (August, 2007). Homeless men: Gender role conflict, low self esteem, and substance abuse. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Amato, F.J. (August, 2005). Understanding male violence using gender role theory and research. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research studies: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Arnold, W.J., & Chartier, B.M. (May, 1984). Identity, fear of femininity and intimacy in males. Paper presented at the 45th annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada.

Blazina, C. & Beavers, M. (2014). Animal companions, gender role conflicted men, and stress: Exploring the role of playfulness. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C

Blazina, C., Novotny, M.L., Stevens, D.N., Hunter, M. (August, 2008). Man’s best friend: Pet companions, gender role conflict, attachment, and loss. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (chairs). Four studies assessing the contextual complexity of the gender role conflict construct. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Blazina, C. Reding, D., & Kierski, W. (August, 2007). Fear of Feminine Projective Test and gender role conflict. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Blazina, C. Weissman, T., & Acosta, A. Gender role conflict and the Resilient Masculine Self Scale: Assessing healthy male identities. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Blazina, C., Soublis, D., Cordova, M. (August, 2002). Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Psychometric and theoretical concepts. In C. Blazina & S. Pisecco (Chairs) Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Psychometric issues and applications. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL

Borthick, M.J., Knox, P.L., Taylor, J.R., & Dietrich, M.S. (August, 1997). Gender role conflict and suicide probability: Age 18-24 years. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Breiding, M.J. & Smith, D.A. (August, 2002) Male gender role conflict affects wives’ marital adjustment. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Breiding, M.J. (August, 2003).Husbands’ criticism as a mediator of the relationship between husbands’ gender role conflict and outcomes for wives. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Breiding, M.J., Villimes, D., & Smith, D.A. (August, 2005). How husbands’ gender role conflict and criticism affects wives’ outcomes. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research studies: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium conducted at the
American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C

Bruch, M.A. & Haase, R.F. (August, 1997) Male gender role conflict and inhibited emotionality as a mediator of shyness. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Implications for the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Cadenhead, L. & Huzirec, C. (August, 2002) Differences in clinical populations on gender role conflict. In C. Blazina & S. Pisecco (Chairs) Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Psychometric issues and applications. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Campbell, J.L. Gillepsie, R., Roberts, B., Duckman, C., Cichon, L. (August, 2002). Gender role conflict: Family of origin and parenting. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Chae, M.H., Chae, S.Y., Schmitl, B., Larres, C. (August, 2008). Cultural identity, gender role conflict, and mental health among Asian American men. paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.

Chartier, B.M, Graff, L.A., & Arnold, W.J. (June, 1986). Males socialization and hostility toward women. Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Chartier, B.M., & Arnold, W.J. (June, 1985). Male socialization and the development of identity and intimacy in young college men. Paper presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Cole, B.P. (2014). Gender socialization of college men: Implications for help seeking when depressed. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.

Comeau, S.P. (August, 2006). Does differentiation of self predict gender role conflict in males. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Coonerty-Femiano, A.M. Katzman, M.A., Femiano, S., Gemar, M., Toner, B., (August, 2001). Gender role conflict in male survivors of childhood abuse. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Dadson, M.R., Olson, T., & Young, M.R. (August, 2010). Gender role conflict: A case study from an action theory perspective. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association convention. San Diego, CA.

Danforth, L. & Wester, S.R. (August 2011).Attitudes towards help seeking in men of color: A preliminary study. Paper presented at the American Psychologial Association, Washington, D.C.

Danforth, L., Wester, S.R., Vogel, D. & O’Neil, J.M. (2012). Psychometric support for the Gender Role conflict Scale Short Form. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida.

Davids, C.M. & Watson, L. (2014). Sexual objectification and gender role conflict as predictors of drive for muscularity. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

DeBord, K.A., Good, G.E., Heppner, P.P., Fischer, A.R. (August, 1997). Predicting distress from gender role conflict and problem-solving appraisal. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

DeFranc, W.J. & Mahalik, J.R. (August, 1999). Gender role conflict and stress: Parental attachment and separation. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Dillon, M.G. & Good, G.E., & Fischer, A.R. (August, 1999). Masculine role conflict and stress: Assessment and relation to stress. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Durham Thompkins, C. & Rando, R.A. (August, 2000). Gender role conflict and shame in college males. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict in the year 2000 – Innovative directions. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Durham Thompkins, C.M. & Rando, R.A. (August, 1998). Shame and gender role conflict. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Eicken, I. & Boswell, D. (August, 2002) How emotional intelligence, alexithymia, universal-diverse orientation predict gender role conflict. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research _ Empirical Studies and 20 year summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL

Eicken, I., Boswell, D.L., Milville, M.L., Graham, M., Eason, A., Burns, D. (August, 2002). Terrorist attacks do not affect gender role strain or characteristics. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Emery, H.E., Cole, W., Ovrebo, E., Bruijn, B., Willis, E., Turner, L (2015). Gender role conflict and same sex intimate partner violence: A literature review. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Englar-Carlson M. & Vandiver, B. (August, 2002) Comparing the dimensionality of the GRCS, MGRS, and SRES. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research _ Empirical Studies and 20 year summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Englar-Carlson, M. & Vandiver, B. (August 2001). Gender-role conflict, helpseeking attitudes & psychological treatment fearfulness. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Testing new constructs and dimensions empirically. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco

Ervin, A. & Lease, S.L. (August, 2003). Male gender role conflict, internalized homophobia, and psychological well-being in gay men. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Ervin, A.M. & Lease, S.H. (August, 2002). Male gender role conflict: African American and European males. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Fischer, A.R., & Good, G.E. (August, 1995). Masculine gender roles, recognition of emotions, and interpersonal intimacy. Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York.

Fischer, A.R., & Good, G.E. (August, 1998). Boys’ masculine role conflicts and relationships with parents. Presentation in W. Pollack (Chair), Real boys: Rescuing our sons from myths of boyhood culture. Symposium at tha annual meeting of the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Fragoso, J.M. (August, 1996). Mexican machismo, gender role conflict, acculturation, and mental health. In J.M. O’Neil and G.E. Good (Chairs), Men’s gender role conflict research advancing the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Fowell, H.L. & Wester, S.R. (August, 2006). Gender role conflict and psychological distress: The role of social support. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Good, G.E., Robertson, J.M., Fitzgerald, L.F., Stevens, M., & Bartels, K. (August, 1994). The relation between masculine role conflict and psychological distress in male university counseling center clients. In J. Robertson & G. Good (Chairs), Men, masculinity, and psychological services. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Good, G.E., Schopp, L., Thomson, D., Tager, D., (August, 2006). Gender role conflict and men’s response to serious injuries. In J.M. O’ Neil, G.E. Good (chairs). Gender Role Conflict research and diversity – sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Good, G., Braverman, D., & O’Neil, J.M. (August, 1991). Factor structure and reliability of the gender role conflict scale. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Gottfried, M. (August, 1998). Perceptions of peers’ gender beliefs and male gender role conflict. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Graef, S. & Tokar, D.M. (August, 2007). Gender role conflict, masculinity ideology, and men’s career counseling attitudes. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Graham, M.M. & Romans, J.C. (August, 2003). Impact of gender role conflict on men’s satisfaction with retirement. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Grobe, E.R. (November, 2006). The effect of birth order, number and sex of siblings on male gender role conflict. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.

Hannishfeger, B.R. (August, 1998). Gender role confict and involvement in violent dating relationships. In J.M. O’Neil and G.E. Good (Chairs), Gender role conflict research: Expanding empirical research in men’s studies. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Hanson, M.G. & Yanico, B.J. (August, 2003) Emotional intelligence, social support, and gender role conflict. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Hayes, J.A. & Mahalik, J.R. (August, 1998). Gender role conflict and psychopathology in a clinical population. In J.M. O’Neil and G.E. Good (Chairs), Gender role conflict research: Expanding empirical research in men’s studies. Symposium confucted at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Heath, P.J., Seidman, A.J., Vogel, D., Cornish, M.A., Wade, N (2015). Help seeking self-stigma in military men: The role of distress and restrictive emotionality. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Hernandez, J., Liu, W.M., Iwamoto, D.K. (August, 2005). Asian American men;’ gender role conflict, distress, self esteem, and acculturation. Paper presented at the annual APA convention, Washington, D.C.

Hernandez, J., Sanchez, F.J., Liu, W.M. (August, 2006). Factorial validity of the GRCS with gay men. In J.M. O’ Neil, G.E. Good (chairs). Gender Role Conflict research and diversity – sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA

Hetzel, R. & Swain, J.L. (August, 2003). Religious faith, gender role conflict, and masculine ideology. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Hetzel, R.D., Davenport, D.S., & Brooks, G.R. (August, 1998). Concurrent validity analysis of two measures of gender role strain. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Hetzel, R.D., Davenport, D.S., & Brooks, G.R. (August, 1998). Gender role conflict and social support: Correlates of psychological distress. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Hickam, S.J., Shea, M., LaFollette, J.R., Cruz, N., Boghokian, T., Wong, J.  Development of the Inventory of Subjective Masculinity Experience-Stress. (August, 2010). Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA.

Hill, M.S. & Fischer, A.R. (August, 1998). Masculine entitlement, gender role traditionality, and sexual aggression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Hobza, C.L. & Rochlen, A.B. (August, 2007). Gender role conflict and men’s susceptibility to ideal media images. paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Hobza, C.L. & Yakushko, O. (August, 2006). Is gender role conflict predictive of men’s susceptibility to media? Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Hoffman, R., Wood, J., Buboltz, W., Soper, B. (August, 2008). Gender role conflict, attitudes toward females, and relationship beliefs. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.

Hoyt, M. (August, 2007). Coping processes and gender role conflict in men with cancer. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Jana-Masri, A. & Wester, S.R. (August, 2010). Gender role conflict and attitudes toward seeking professional help in Egypt. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA.

Jo, Eunkyung. (August, 2000). Gender role conflict in Korean men. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research in the year 2000: Innovative directions. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Jome, L.M. & Tokar, D.M. (August, 1996). Relation between masculine gender roles and traditionality of career choice. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Jones, D.A. (August, 1999). Gender role conflict, coping, and psychological distress in gay men. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Kaplan, R., O’Neil, J.M., & Owen, S. (August, 1993). Sexist, normative, and progressive masculinity and sexual assault: Empirical research. In J.M. O’Neil (Chair) Research on men’s sexual assault and constructive gender role interventions. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Kearney, L., King, E.B., Rochlen, A.B. (August, 2002) Gender role conflict and sexual harassment training efficacy: A preliminary investigation. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Kim, J., Choi, H., Ha, C. & O’Neil, J.M. (August, 2006). Self esteem, instrumentality, and gender role conflict in Korean college students. In J.M. ‘ O’Neil, & G.E. Good (chairs). Gender Role Conflict research and diversity – sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Kim, J., Choi, H., Hwang, M. (August, 2008). Masculine gender role conflict and self concealment of Korean adolescent boys. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.

Kim, J., Hwang, M., Ryu, J. (August, 2005). Korean male students’ sex-dominant majors, gender roles, and career indecision. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Kim, J., Park, K., Kim, H., & Choi, H. (August, 2006). Validation of the Korean-version Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Khera, G.S. (July, 2004).Relationship between acculturation and gender role conflict among South Asian men. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Kline, K.A., Fekete, E.M., Curry, B.E., Parsons, C.W., Ford, J.C. (August, 2008). Gender role conflict and cardiovascular stress-reactivity in male cadets. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (chairs). Four studies assessing the contextual complexity of the gender role conflict construct. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Lagan, H.D. & Mahalik, J.R. (August, 1999). Examining masculine gender role strain in relation to religious orientation and spiritual well-being. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Lane, J.M. & Addis, M.E. (August, 2003). Gender role conflict and men’s self disclosure about substance abuse.Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Laurent, M.G. (August, 1997) Gender role conflict, cultural identity, and self esteem among African American men. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Implications for the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Laurent, S.M. & Pietromonaco, C. (May, 2006). Gender role identity and gender role conflict: Predicting adult romantic attachment. Paper presented at the Association for Psychological Science, New York, New York.

Lease, S.H., Uruk, A., Boyraz, G., Stancil, B.A., Ovrebo, E., Demir, A., (August, 2007). Structual validity of the Gender Role Conflict Scale – Turkish version. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Leka, G.E. (August, 1998). Acculturation of Mexican-American males and gender role conflict. In J.M. O’Neil and G.E. Good (Chairs), Gender role conflict research: Expanding empirical research in men’s studies. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Liang, C.T., Salcedo, J., Miller, H., Hubert, C., Zapata, G. (August, 2009). Machismo, caballerismo, perceived racism, and gender role conflict among Latino men. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 8,Toronto, Canada.

Liang, C.T.H. (2012). Gendcer role conflict, sport anxiety, and barriers to help seeking: Resilience as a moderator. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida

Lindley, L.D. & Schwartz, J.P. (August 2006). Implications of gender role conflict: Religious fundamentalism, homophobia, and intimacy. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Liu, W. M. (August, 2010). Homeless men’s gender role conflict: Experiencing distress and solving problems. In J.M, O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Contextualism, gender role conflict studies and three empirical studies – Implications. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 14, 2010, San Diego, CA.

Liu, W.M. Rochlen, A., & Mohr, J.J. (August, 2003). Gender role conflict: Testing the discrepancy theory and psychological health. In A. Rochlen (Chair) Gender role conflict research: Innovative uses, applications, and directions. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Liu, W.M., Iwamoto, D.R., Hernandez, J. (August, 2005). Asian American men’s gender role conflict: The role of self esteem, and psychological distress. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Magovcevic, M. & Addis, M.E. (August, 2003) Gender role conflict, and perception of problems in living. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Mahalik, J.R. (August, 1996). Gender role conflict in men as a predictor of behavior on the interpersonal circle. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Men’s gender role conflict research: New directions in counseling men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Mahalik, J.R., DeFranc, W., Cournoyer, R.J., & Cherry, M. (August, 1997). Use of psychological defense as a function of male gender role conflict. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Implications for the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Malebranche, D. Millett, G., Mason, B. (August, 2007). Gender role conflict and sexual risk among Black MSM. In J. M. O’Neil & G. E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict diversity studies and 25 year research summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Mansfield, A.K., Addis, M.E., Courtenay, W. (August, 2003). Men’s barriers to seeking help for a physical problem. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Marrocco, F. (August, 2001). Perceived paternal/filial mutuality and gender role conflict in sons. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Testing new constructs and dimensions empirically. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Martin, J. & Hatcher, S. (August, 2007). Gender role conflict, attachment, and alliances: Men’s view of psychotherapy. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

McCreary, D.R. & Courtenay, W. (August, 2003). Gender role conflict predicts engaging in multiple health risks. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

McDermott, R.C., Fons-Scheyd, A., Lopez, F. (August, 2011). Predicting women’s  masculine gender role strain: Relationship with adult attachment dimensions and splitting. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

McMahon, T.J., Winkel, J.D. & Luthar, S.S. (August, 2000). Gender role conflict, drug dependence, and fatherhood: A comparative analysis.In J. M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict in the year 2000: Innovative directions. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

McMahon, T.J., Winkel, J.D., Rounsaville, B.J., Luthar, S.S. (August, 1999). Gender role conflict, drug dependence, and fatherhood. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Merten, C.E. (August, 2001). Male gender role conflict in depressed versus non depressed medical populations. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Testing new constructs and dimensions empirically. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.

Mendoza, J. (June, 2000). Male socialization differences between court-ordered and voluntary male clients before treatment. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Mereish, E.H., O’Brien, K.M., & Inkelas, K.K. (August, 2008). Predicting men’s career plans: Parental attachment and gender role conflict. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (chairs). Four studies assessing the contextual complexity of the gender role conflict construct. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Napolitano, J.M., Mahalik, J.R., & Kenny, M.E. (August, 1999). Relation of gender role strain and attachment to men’s psychosocial development. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Naranjos, S. (August, 2002) Failure in self-care: A study of gender role conflict. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Empirical Studies and 20 year summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Nenos-Cernich, A., Massoth, N.D., Washburn, J., Callaghan, M.A. & Trotter, M.A. (August, 1999). The MRNI and the GRCS: A correlational study. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Newman, S., Noumair, D.A., & Farber, B.A. (August, 1997). Self silencing and depression: Where does gender role fit? In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Implications for the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Nowakowska, A. (September, 2005). Masculine gender role conflict theory: Application in Poland and cross cultural comparison. Paper presented at the European Conference on Interpersonal Violence, Universite Paris 1 – La Sorbonne, Paris, France.

Norwalk, K.E. & Vandiver, B.J. (August, 2009). Validating the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Black Men. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 8, Toronto, Canada.

O’Beaglavich, C. & Morrison, T.G. (2012). An exploratory factor analysis of the Gender Role Conflict Scale among Irish adolescents. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida.

Osborne, T.L. & Stake, J.E. (July, 2004) Gender role conflict and help seeking behaviors in college men. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

O’Neil (August, 2007). Twenty-five years of gender role conflict research: A thematic summary. In J. M. O’Neil & G. E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict diversity studies and 25 year research summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

O’Neil, J.M., David, L., & Wrightsman, L. (August, 1982). Fear of Femininty Scale (FOFS): Men’s gender role conflict. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

O’Neil, J.M. & Denke, R. (2014) . Thirty years of gender role conflict theory and research: Implications. Presented in R. Levant & W. Pollack (Co-Chairs) A new psychology of men: A twenty year perspective. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association  Convention, Washington, D.C. August, 2014.

O’Neil, J.M. (2015) Theoretical Models, Research, Therapeutic Implications of Men’s Gender Role Conflict. In J. M.O’Neil (Chair)  Feminist Critique of O’Neil (2105) Book – Men’s Gender Role Conflict  Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August, 2015, Toronto, Canada.

O’Neil, J.M., Helms, B., Gable, R., Stillson, R., David, L., Wrightsman, L. (August, 1984). Data on college men’s gender role conflict and strain. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

O’Neil, J.M. (August, 2002). Twenty years of gender role conflict research: Summary of 130 studies. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Empirical Studies and 20 year summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

O’Neil, J.M., Owen, S.V., Holmes, S.E., Dolgopolov, N., & Slastenin, V. (August, 1994). Russian-American men’s psychological violence toward women: Cross cultural differences. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Research on men’s sexual and psychological assault of women: Programming considerations. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Park, J. Egisdottir, S. (2014). Korean men’s psychological help seeking: Comparison between seekers and nonseekers. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Peterson, F. (August, 1999). Gender-role conflict as risk factor among male smokers. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Pisecco, S (August, 2002). Gender role conflict in adolescence and masculine resiliency. In C. Blazina & S. Pisecco (Chairs) Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Psychometric issues and applications. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Pytluk, S.D. & Casas, J.M. (August, 1998). Male gender role conflict scales and diverse populations: A psychometric and exploratory study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Rando, R.A., Brittan, C.S., & Pannu, R.K. (August, 1994). Gender role conflict and college men’s sexually aggressive attitudes and behavior. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Research on men’s sexual and psychological assault of women: Programming considerations. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Rando, R.A., Fangman Hill, H.E., & Olsen-Rando, D.R. (August, 1996). Parent-child relationship and college men’s gender role conflict. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Men’s gender role conflict research: Advancing the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.

Rando, R.A., McBee, S.M., & Brittan, C.S. (August, 1995). Gender role conflict and college men’s sexually aggressive attitudes and behavior – II. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Empirical studies advancing the psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Rando, R.A., Vrable, M., Hanson, P., Reardon, J., Moroco, J. (August, 1997). Attachment, gender role conflict and men’s sexual aggression perpetration. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Rochlen, A., Blazina, C. & Raghunathan, R. (August, 2001). Male gender role conflict and perceptions of career counseling advertising brochures. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Testing new constructs and dimensions empirically. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.

Rochlen, A.B. & Hill, C.E., Hung, C. (August, 2005) Gender role conflict and dreams: A process and outcome study. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research studies: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Rochlen, A.B., Land, L.N., & Wong, Y.J. (August, 2003). Restrictive emotionality, attitudes toward online counseling and men’s evaluations of online and face-to-face counseling. In A. Rochlen (Chair) Gender role conflict research: Innovative uses, applications and directions. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August, 2003.

Rochlen, A.B. & Hill, C.E., Hung, C. (August, 2005) Gender role conflict and dreams: A process and outcome study. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research studies: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Rochlen, A.B., Land, L.N., & Wong, Y.J. (August, 2003). Restrictive emotionality, attitudes toward online counseling and men’s evaluations of online and face-to-face counseling. In A. Rochlen (Chair) Gender role conflict research: Innovative uses, applications and directions. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August, 2003.

Rochlen, A.B. & Mahalik, J.R. (August, 2003). Women’s perceptions of male partner’s gender role conflict as predictors of women’s psychological health, self-esteem, and satisfaction with the relationship. In A. Rochlen (Chair) Gender role conflict research: Innovative uses, applications and directions. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August, 2003

Rochlen, A.B. & O’Brien, K. (August, 2000). Career counseling styles: Gender role conflict and career counseling attitudes. In J. M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs), Gender role conflict in the year 2000: Innovative directions. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Rogers, J.R., Rando, R.A., Bustos, L.M., & Vrable, M.A. (August, 1997). Gender role conflict scale: Enhancing interpretation through exploratory factor procedures. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Russell, M.M. & Schwartz, J.P. (July, 2004).Masculine gender role conflict and entitlement attitudes. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association annual meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Sanchez, F.J., Westefeld, J.S. & Liu, W.M. (August, 2006). Gender role conflict and negative self identity among gay men. In J.M. O’ Neil, G.E. Good (chairs). Gender Role Conflict research and diversity – sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American psychological association, New Orleans, LA.

Sanchez, F.G., Vilain, E., Bocklandt, S. (August, 2007). Gender role conflict, sociosexuality, and relationship satisfaction among gay men. In J. M. O’Neil & G. E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict diversity studies and 25 year research summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Shepard, C.B. (August, 2010). Gender role conflict, drive for muscularity, and help seeking in men. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 13, San Diego, CA.

Shepard, C.B, Richard, K., MacDonald T. (August, 2010). Impact of gender role conflict on body image issues and help seeking. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA.

Schwartz, J., Waldo, M., Bloom-Langell, J. & Merta, R. (August, 1998). Gender role conflict: Relationship to spouse abuse, self-esteem, acculturation, and intervention group outcome. In J.M. O’Neil and G.E. Good (Chairs), Men’s gender role conflict research advancing the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Schwartz, J.P. Buboltz, W., Seeman, E.A. Flye, A. (August, 2002). Gender role conflict: Relationship to personality disorders in incarcerated men. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Schwartz, J.P., Higgins, A.J., & He, Y. Gender role conflict: Impact on body image of men. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Schwartz, J., Tylka, T.L. & Hood, I. B. (August, 2005). Gender role conflict and prejudice: The role of entitlement. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research studies: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Selby, B.W. & Simunsen, G.O. (August, 2000). Narcissism, attachment, mental health, and masculine gender role conflict. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Settle, A. & Blazina, C. (2006). African American male gender role conflict and attitudes toward date rape.Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA

Shepard, D.S. (August, 1994). Male gender role conflict and expression of depression. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Sileo, F.J. (August, 1996). Gender role conflict: Intimacy and closeness in male-male friendships. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Men’s gender role conflict research: New directions in counseling men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Steinfeldt, J.A. (August, 2010). Gender role conflict, moral atmosphere, and bracketed morality in football. In J.A. Steinfeldt (Chair). Masculinity socialization in sport – Implications for student-athlete development on and off field. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA.

Sterling, A.G., Ghahramanlou-Holloway, M., Cox, D., Martin, J., Greene, F., Kochanski, K., George, B., Lou, K., Fritz, E. (August, 2010). Gender role strain and vulnerability of men to suicide behavior. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA.

Strom, T. (2004, July) Gender role conflict and dispositional coping styles in college age men. In J. M. O’Neil & G. E. Good( Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Four empirical studies and a new research paradigm. Symposium presented at American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Stevens, F. L. & Blazina, C. (Summer, 2006). Social inclusion, gender role conflict, and depression: Researching the emotional impact of men’s support groups Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Stillson, R., O’Neil, J.M., Owen, S., Gable, R. (August, 1988). Gender role conflict in men: A study of predictive variables. Paper presnted at the annual convention of the American psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

Strain, J.D. (July, 2004). Gender role conflict and shame in male-to-female transgendered persons: A qualitative analysis. In R.D. Ehrbar (Chair) Who are you? What do you want? Listening to transgendered people. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Syzdek, M.R., Beatty, A.S., Kellom, G.E. & Farr, J. M. (August, 2005). Misperceiving other college men’s gender role conflict. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Theodore, H., Lloyd, B.F. & Roufeil, L. (August, 1999). Age, gender role conflict, and psychological well-being in Australian men. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Thompson, P. (August, 1995) Men’s sexual abuse: Object relations, gender role conflict and guilt. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Empirical studies advancing the psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Thomson, D. & Good, G.E. (August, 2003). Masculine role conflict, shame-proneness, and adjustment: Testing a mediational model. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Thiele, A. (November, 2005). Consequences of male gender roles: Male gender role conflict and stress. In A. Moller-Leimkuhler, M. Vorsitz, S. Kasper, (Chairs). Men and mental health disorders. Symposium German Congress of Psychiatry, Psychotherapies, and Neurology, Berlin, Germany.

Thomas, D.B., Buboltz, W., Mutherne, M.M. & Hand, M. (2006) Effects of gender role conflict on relationship beliefs. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Thomson, D., Good, G.E., Schopp, L., Hathway, S., & Sanford, T.C. (August, 2003). Masculine roles and conflict in spinal cord and brain injured men. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Tokar, D.M., Fischer, A.R., & Schaub, M. (August, 1998) Men’s personality, gender role traditionality, and gender role conflict. Presentation in J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Expanding empirical research in men’s studies. Symposium at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Torres, J.B., Solberg, V.S. & Carlstrom, A. (August, 1999). The myth of sameness among latino men and their masculinities. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Tylka, T.L. & Schwartz, J. (August, 2010). Association among men’s gender role conflict, sexism, and heterosexism. In J.M, O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Contextualism, gender role conflict studies and three empirical studies – Implications. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 14, 2010, San Diego, CA.

Uruk, A.C., Stancil, B.A., Yanchak, K.V., Boyraz, G., Sweeney, J., Ovrebo, E., Demir, A., (August, 2005). Male role norms, relationship intimacy, and Turkish and American men. In S.H. Lease (Chair) Cross-cultural examinations of masculinity-health behaviors, relationships, and coping. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association convention.

Van Delft, C. & Birk, J.M. (August, 1994). Military men’s gender role conflict, occupational satisfaction, and psychological distress. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Men’s gender role conflict research: Advancing the new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Van Hyfte, G.J. & Rabinowitz, F.E. (August, 2001). Men’s group affiliation and same-sex intimacy. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Varvel, S.J. & Heppner, M.J. (August, 2008). Gender role conflict, problem solving appraisal, and psychological functioning of firefighters. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (chairs). Four studies assessing the contextual complexity of the gender role conflict construct. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Vogel, D. L. (August, 2010). Gender role conflict, stigma, and talking about psychological issues. In J.M, O’Neil & G.E. Good (Co-Chairs) Contextualism, gender role conflict studies and three empirical studies – Implications. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 14, 2010, San Diego, CA.

Vu, P. & Duan, C. (August, 2002). Men’s acculturation, gender role, shame proneness, and psychological well-being. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Wade, J.C. (August, 1995) African American men’s gender role conflict: Significance of racial identity. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Men’s gender role conflict research: Empirical studies advancing the psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Wade, J.C. (August, 1996) Reference group identity dependence: A gender role conflict explanatory construct. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Men’s gender role conflict research: New directions in counseling men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Wade, J.C. (August, 1999). Male reference group identity dependence in African American and European American males. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Walker, S., Blazina, C. (August, 2007). Double consciousness, gender role conflict, and stress with African American students. In J. M. O’Neil & G. E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict diversity studies and 25 year research summary. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Walker, D.F., Tokar, D.M., & Fischer, A.R. (August, 1998). Dimensions underlying nine masculine-related measures. In J. Robertson & G. Good (Chairs), Men, masculinity, and psychological services. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Wester, S.R. (August, 2001). Male restricted emotionality and counseling supervision. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Wester, S.R., Arndt, D., Yinko, L., Arndt, L. (August, 2008). Male police officiers, gender role conflict, and seeking psychological help: The roles of self-stigma and public stigma. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.

Wester, S.R., Danforth, L.E., & Arndt, L.M. (August, 2011). Male veterans of military service, stigma, and attitudes toward counseling. Paper presented at the Amnerican Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Wester, S.R., Kim, S., Gomory, A., Danforth, M., & Walker, C. (2014). Differential item functioning of the Gender Role Conflict Scale. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C

Wester, S.R. & Vogel, D.L. (August, 2008). A 16 item short form of the Gender Role Conflict Scale. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Wester, S.R., Vogel, D.L., Kantamneni, N., Hubbard, A., & Dich, D.E. (August, 2007). African American men’s gender role conflict and help seeking: A preliminary analysis of cultural mistrust. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

White, M., Wester, S.R., McDonough, T.A. (August, 2006). Gender role conflict with transgendered individuals. In J.M. O’ Neil, G.E. Good (chairs). Gender Role Conflict research and diversity – sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American Psychological association, New Orleans, LA.

White, M.G. & Wester, S.R. (August, 2008). Exploration of gender role conflict as it affects transgendered individuals. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.

Wilson, K.M., Wilson, P.G., Hendrickson, S.M., Moyers, T.B., O’Neil, J.M., Mahalik, J.M. (August, 2007). In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Windle, C.R., Breiding, M.J., & Smith, D.A. (August, 2007). Husband’s gender role conflict and withdrawal during a marital interaction. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs). Gender role conflict research: Assessing contextual, therapeutic, and interpersonal variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Wester, S.R., Kuo, B.C. & Vogel, D.L. (August, 2005). Multicultural coping: Asian men, gender role conflict, and psychological distress. In S.H. Lease (Chair) Cross-cultural examinations of masculinity-health behaviors, relationships, and coping. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association convention.

Wimer, D.J., Smalley, K.B., Williams, C.M., Noronha, D.O., Levant, R.F. (August, 2008). Health risk and masculinity. Paper presented at the American psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Wisch, A.F. & Mahalik, J.M. (August, 1996). Male counselor gender role conflict and clinical judgment. In J.M. O’Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Men’s gender role conflict research: New directions in counseling men. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.

Wisch, A.F., Mahalik, J.M., Hayes, J.A., & Nutt, L. (August, 1993). Counseling men: Gender role conflict, problem type, and emotional content. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.

Wisch, A.F., Mahalik, J.M., Hayes, J.A., & Nutt, L. (August, 1993). Counseling men: Gender role conflict, representation of services, and emotional content. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.

Wong, J. & Land, L. (August, 2003). Gender role conflict and evaluations of online and face-to-face counseling. In A. Rochlen (Chair) Gender role conflict research: Innovative uses, applications, and directions. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Wong, Y. J. (August, 2006). The potential benefits of expressive writing for emotionally restricted men. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Wood J., Buboltz, W., Hoffman, R.M., Soper, B. (August, 2008). Gender role conflict, attitudes towqrd females, and relationship beliefs. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 14, 2008, Boston, MA.

Theoretical Papers Presented at APA Conventions

O’Neil, J. M. Definition of gender role conflict: A study of John Lennon’s life. Presented at the 96th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 15, 1988.

O’Neil, J. M. Diagnostic schema to assess men’s gender role conflict. Paper presented at the 97th Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA; August, 1989.

O’Neil, J. M. Men’s gender role conflicts at mid-life. Presented at the 98th Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 1990.

O’Neil, J.M. Men and women as victim of sexism: Metaphors for healing. Presented at the 99th Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA., August, 1991.

O’Neil, J. M. Gender role conflict research: New directions to understand men’s violence. Paper presented at the 100th convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 16, 1992.

O’Neil, J.M. Theoretical perspectives: Power abuses and gender role conflicts in diverse relationships. Paper presented at the 101st convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 22, 1993.

O’Neil, J.M., Good, G.E., Holmes, S. Fifteen Years of Empirical Research on Men’s Gender Role Conflict. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA., August 13, 1994.

O’Neil, J.M. Development of a gender role conflict construct in Counseling Psychology. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. Los Angeles, CA., August 14, 1994 (Invited Fellows Address).

O’Neil, J.M. Irish American men’s gender role socialization and conflict: Psychosocial analysis. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August 15, 1995.

2015: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. (2015) Feminist Critique of O’Neil (2015) Book – Men’s Gender Role Conflict: Psychological Costs, Consequences, and an Agenda for Change.  Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August, 2015, Toronto, Canada.

Jim O’Neil

O’Neil, J.M. (2015) Theoretical Models, Research, Therapeutic Implications of Men’s Gender Role Conflict.

Carolyn Enns, Cornell College
Marty Heesacker, University of Florida

2010: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Contextualism, men’s gender role conflict, and three empirical studies: Implications. Symposium to be presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August , 2010, San Diego, CA.


  • Vogel, D.L., Wester, S.R., Hackler, A., Hammer, J., Down-Matibag, T., Geisinger, B. (Iowa State University) Gender Role Conflict, Stigma, and Talking About Psychological Issues.
  • Tylka, T. L. (Ohio State University) Schwartz, J.P., Kroon Van Diest, A., Bates, D. (New Mexico State University) Association Among Men’s Gender Role Conflict, Sexism, and Heterosexism.
  • Liu, W.M. & Nguyen, C. M. (University of Iowa) Homeless Men’s Gender Role Conflict: Experiencing Distress and Solving Problems.

Discussant: James M. O’Neil

2009: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Gender role conflict studies of football athletes, male nurses, & undergraduate students. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 9, 2009, Toronto, Canada.


  • Steinfeldt, J., PhD, Indiana University at Bloomington; England, B., BS, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis; Speight, Q., MA, Indiana University at Bloomington; and Steingeldt, M., MA, Southern Oregon University. Gender Role Conflict and Help-Seeking Stigma Among College Football Players.
  • O’Neil, J.M., PhD; Rochlen, A., PhD, University of Texas at Austin. Men in Nursing: Gender Role Conflict and Gender-Related Work Barriers.
  • Groeschel, B., BS, and Wester, S., PhD, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Gender Role Conflict, Alcohol Consumption, and Help-Seeking Behavior.

Discussant: O’Neil, J.M., PhD.

2008: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Six studies assessing the contextual complexity of the Gender Role Conflict Construct. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 17, 2008, Boston, MA.


  • Kline, K., PhD, Virginia Military Institute; Fekete, E., PhD, University of Miami; and Curry, B., BA, Parsons, C., BA, and Ford, J., BA, Virginia Military Institute. Gender Role Conflict and Cardiovascular Stress Reactivity in Male Cadets.
  • Varvel, S., MEd, and Heppner, M., PhD, University of Missouri – Columbia. Gender Role Conflict, Problem-Solving Appraisal, and Psychological Functioning of Firefighters.
  • Mereish, E., BS, O’Brien, K., PhD, and Inkelas, K., PhD, University of Maryland College Park. Predicting Men’s Career Plans: Parental Attachment and Gender Role Conflict.
  • Blazina, C., PhD, Novotny, M., MA, Stephens, D., MS, and Hunter, M., PhD, Tennessee State University. Man’s Best Friend: Pet Companions, Gender Role Conflict, Attachment, and Loss.

2007: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil J.M. & Good, G.E. (2008). Co-Chairs) Gender Role Conflict Diversity Studies and 25 Year Research Summary. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, August 18, 2007.


  • Windle, C., BA, Breiding, M., PhD, and Smith, D., PhD, University of Notre Dame. Husbands’ Gender Role Conflict and Withdrawal During a Marital Interaction.
  • Hoyt, M., MA, Arizona State University. Coping Processes and Gender Role Conflict in Men With Cancer.
  • Amato, P., PhD, Salem State College. Homeless Men: Gender Role Conflict, Low Self-Esteem, and Substance Abuse.
  • Martin, J., PhD, Hatcher, S., PhD, Fielding Graduate University. Gender Role Conflict, Attachment, and Alliance: Men’s Views of Psychotherapy.
  • Blazina, C., PhD, and Reding, D., MS, Tennessee State University; and Kierski, W., MS, Metanoia Institute, London. Fear of Feminine Projective Test and Gender Role Conflict.
  • Wilson, K., MA, University of Alaska Anchorage; Wilson, P., PhD, U.S. Air Force, Ellmendorf; Hendrickson, S., MA, MBA, and Moyers, T., PhD, University of New Mexico; O’Neil, J.M., PhD. Gender Role Conflict and Conformity in a Treatment Dissemination Study.

2006: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Gender Role Conflict Research and Diversity : Sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, New Orleans, LA. , August 10, 2006.


  • White, M., MA, and Wester, S., PhD, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; and McDonough, T., PhD, College of Mount St. Joseph. Gender Role Conflict Research With Transgendered Individuals.
  • Sanchez, F., PhD, University of California- Los Angeles School of Medicine; Westefeld, J., PhD, and Liu, W., PhD, University of Iowa; and Vilain, E., MD, PhD, University of California- Los Angeles School of Medicine. Gender Role Conflict and Negative Self-Identity Among Gay Men.
  • Good, G., PhD; Schopp, L., PhD, Ellis Fischel Hospital, MO; Thomson, D., PhD, Texas Tech University; and Tager, D., MA, University of Missouri – Columbia. Gender Role Conflict and Men’s Response to Serious Injuries.
  • Hernandez, J., MA, University of Iowa; Sanchez, F., PhD; and Liu, W., PhD. Factorial Validity of the GRCS with Gay Men.
  • Kim, J., PhD, and Choi, H., MA, Dankook University; Ha, C., MA, Ka Yang University; O’Neil, J.M., PhD. Self-Esteem, Instrumentality, and Gender Role Conflict in Korean College Students.

Discussant: DeBord, K., PhD, Lincoln University.

2005: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Gender Role Conflict Studies: Assessing Contextual, Therapeutic, and Interpersonal Variables. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D,.C. , August 21 2005.


  • Rochlen, A., PhD, University of Texas at Austin; Hill, C., PhD, University of Maryland College Park; and Chiao, H., BA, University of Texas at Austin. Gender Role Conflict and Dreams: A Process and Outcome Study.
  • Breiding, M., PhD, Washington University in St. Louis; and Villines, D., PhD, and Smith, D., PhD, University of Notre Dame. How Husbands’ Gender Role Conflict and Criticism Affects Wives; Outcomes.
  • Schwartz, J., PhD, Louisiana Tech University; Tylka, T., PhD, Ohio State University; Bush, I., BS, Louisiana Tech University. Gender Role Conflict and Prejudice: The Role of Entitlement.
  • Amato, F., MSW, Boston College. Understanding Male Violence Using Gender Role Conflict Theory and Research.
  • O’Neil, J.M., PhD. Twenty Empirically Derived Therapy Recommendations From the GRC Research Program.

Discussant: Cochran, S., PhD, University of Iowa.

2004: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. Good, G.E. (Co-Chairs) Gender Role Conflict Research: Four Empirical Studies and New Research paradigm. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 28, 2004.


  • Breiding, M., PhD, University of Notre Dame. How Husbands’ Gender Role Conflict and Hostility Affects Wives’ Marital Adjustment.
  • Cortese, J., PhD, and Goodyear, R., PhD, University of Southern California. Gender Role Conflict, Personality, and Help-Seeking in Adult Men.
  • Magovcevic, M., MS and Addis, M., PhD, Clark University. Gender Role Conflict, Self-Stigma, Non-Normativeness, and Perception of Health Problems.
  • Strom, T., MS, Michigan State University. Gender Role Conflict and Dispositional Coping Styles in College-Age Men.
  • O’Neil, J.M., PhD. New Research Paradigm for Implementing Gender Role Conflict Research.

Discussant: Cochran, S., PhD, University of Iowa.

2003: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M., G.E. Good, G.E. Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association convention, Toronto, Canada, August 7, 2003.


  • O’Neil, J.M., PhD. What Does the Gender Role Conflict Scale Really Measure?
  • McCreary, D., PhD, Defence Research and Development Canada; and, Courtenay, W., DSW, Men’s Health Organization, CA. Gender Role Conflict Predicts Engaging in Multiple Health Risks.
  • Thomson, D., MA, Good, G., PhD, Schopp, L., PhD, Hathaway, S., BA, and Sanford, T., MA, University of Missouri – Columbia. Masculine Roles and Conflict in Spinal Cord and Brain-Injured Men.
  • Schwartz, J., PhD, Higgins, A., BS, and He, Y., BA, Louisiana Tech University. Gender Role Conflict: Impact on the Body Image of Men.
  • Graham, M., MEd, and Romans, J., PhD, Oklahoma State University. Impact of Gender Role Conflict on Men’s Satisfaction with Retirement.
  • Blazina, C., PhD, Weissman, T., MA, and Acosta, A., MA, University of Houston. Gender Role Conflict and the Resilient Masculine Self Scale: Assessing Healthy Male Identities.

Discussant: Addis, M., PhD, Clark University.

2002: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Empirical studies and twenty-year summary. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association convention, Chicago, IL, August, 2002.


  • Naranjo, S. PhD, University of Iowa. Failure in Self-Care: A Study of Gender-Role Conflict.
  • Eicken, I. MEd, and Boswell, D. PhD, Oklahoma State University. How Emotional Intelligence, Alexithymia, Universal-Diverse Orientation Predict Gender Role Conflict.
  • Englar-Carlson, M. PhD, University of Washington – Seattle, and Vandiver, B. PhD, Pennsylvania State University. Comparing the Dimensionality of GRCS, MGRS and SRES.
  • O’Neil, J.M. PhD. Twenty Years of Gender-Role Conflict Research: Summary of 130 Studies.

Discussant: Brooks, G. PhD, Baylor University.

2001: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Testing new constructs and dimensions empirically. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association convention. San Francisco, CA, August, 2001.


  • Carlson, M. MA and Vandiver, B. PhD, Pennsylvania State University. Gender-Role Conflict, Help Seeking Attitudes, and Psychological Treatment Fearfulness.
  • Mertens, C. PhD, University of Iowa. Male Gender-Role Conflict in Depressed Versus Nondepressed Medical Populations.
  • Rochlen, A. PhD, and Raghunathan, R. PhD, University of Texas at Austin. Male Gender-Role Conflict and Perceptions of Career Counseling Advertising Brochures.
  • Marrocco, F. PhD, Long Island University. Perceived Paternal-Filial Mutuality and Gender-Role Conflict in Sons.

Discussants: Mahalik, J. PhD, Boston College.

2000: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict in the year 2000: Innovative directions. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. August, 2000.


  • McMahon, T. PhD, Yale University. Gender Role Conflict, Drug Dependence, and Fatherhood: A Comparative Analysis.
  • Blazina, C. PhD, and Pisecco, S. PhD, University of Houston; O’Neil, J.M. PhD, University of Connecticut; Watkins, C.E. PhD, University of North Texas. Gender-Role-Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Psychometric Considerations.
  • Jo, E. PhD, Hallym University. Perception of Gender-Role Conflict in Korean Men.
  • Rochlen, A. MA, and O’Brien, K. PhD, University of Maryland. Career Counseling Styles: Gender-Role Conflict and Career Counseling Attitudes.
  • Thompkins, C. BA, Youngstown State University; Rando, R. PhD, Wright State University. Gender-Role Conflict and Shame in College Males.

Discussant: Lisak, D., PhD, University of Massachusetts, Boston.

1999: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Boston, MA.: August, 1999.


  • McMahon, T. PhD, Yale University. Gender Role Conflict, Drug Dependence, and Fatherhood.
  • Jones, D. PhD, University of Texas at Austin. Gender Role Conflict, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Gay Men.
  • Theodore, H. BS, Charles Sturt University, Lloyd, B. MS, Southern Cross University and Roufeli, L. BA, Charles Sturt University. Age, Gender Role Conflict and Psychological Well-Being in Australian Men.
  • Jo, E. PhD, Hallym University. Gender Role Conflict and Emotionality in Korean Men.
  • DeFranc, W. and Mahalik, J. PhD, Boston College. Gender Role Conflict and Stress: Parental Attachment and Separation.
  • Dillon, M. MS and Good, G. PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia; and Fischer, A. PhD, University of Akron. Masculine Role Conflict and Stress: Assessment and Relation to Distress.

Discussant: O’Neil, J.M., PhD.

1998: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Expanding empirical research in men’s studies. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA., August, 1998.


  • Fischer, A. PhD, Tokar, D. PhD & Schaub, M. MA, University of Akron. Men’s Personality, Gender Role Traditionally, and Gender Role Conflict. Mahalik, J. PhD, Boston College, and Hayes, J. PhD, Pennsylvania State University. Gender Role Conflict and Psychopathology in a Clinical Population.
  • Leka, G. M.A., University of Texas Pan American. Acculturation of Mexican American Males and Gender Role Conflict.
  • Harnishfeger, B. M.A., Western Michigan University. Gender Role Conflict and Involvement in Violent Dating Relationships.
  • Schwartz, J. M.A., Merta, R. PhD, Waldo, M. PhD, and Bloom-Langell, J. BA. Measuring Spouse Abuse Group Outcomes Using the Gender Role Conflict Scale. New Mexico State University.

Discussant: Habben, C. M.A., Wright State University.

1997: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Gender role conflict research: Implications for the new psychology of men. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL., August, 1997.

Presentation 1: Gender-role Conflict: Predictor of Men’s Utilization of Psychological Defenses (Index # 37)

  • Mahalik, J., PhD, Boston College.
  • DeFranc, W., MA, Boston College.
  • Cournoyer, R., PhD, Boston College.
  • Cherry, M., MA, Boston College.

Presentation 2: Male Gender Role Conflict and Inhibited Emotionality as a Mediator of Shyness

  • Bruch, M., PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York.
  • Haase, R., PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York.

Presentation 3: Self-Silencing and Depression: Where Does Gender Role Conflict Fit? (Index # 37)

  • Newman, S., MS, Columbia University.
  • Noumair, D., EdD, Columbia University.
  • Farber, B., PhD, Columbia University.

Presentation 4: Gender Role Conflict among African American Male College Students (Index 37)

  • Laurent, M., MS, University of Southern California.

Discussant: Fischer, A., PhD, The University of Akron.

1996: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Men’s gender role conflict: Research advancing the new psychology of men. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 9, 1996.


Presentation 1: Military Men’s Gender Role Conflict, Occupational Satisfaction, and Psychological Distress (Index #36, 3)

  • Van Delft, C., MA, University of Maryland.
  • Birk, J., PhD, University of Maryland.

Presentation 2: Mexican Machismo, Gender Role Conflict, Acculturation, and Mental Health Consequences (Index #36, 19.4)

  • Fragoso, J., BA, Texas Tech University.

Presentation 3: Parent-Child Relationship and College Men’s Gender Role Conflict (Index # 36, 5)

  • Rando, R., PhD, Youngstown State University.
  • Hill, H., PhD, Youngstown State University.
  • Olsen-Rando, D., MA, Ball State University.

Presentation 4: Men’s and Women’s Experience and Expression of Emotion Across Situations (Index #36, 16)

  • Fisher, J., MA, University of Florida.

Presentation 5: Gender Differences in Male Role Norms of Alcoholic Men (Index #36, 58)

  • Silvestri, S. Ph.D. The Wellness Center, Tahoe, CA.
  • Lowe, L. Ph.D. Office of Substance Abuse Programs, Sacramento, CA.

Discussant: Robertson, J. Ph.D. Kansas State University.

1995: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Men’s gender role conflicts: Empirical studies advancing the psychology of men. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August 13, 1995 (Co-chair).


  • Rando, R., PhD, Youngstown State University, Olsen-Rando, D., MA, Brittan, C., BA, University of Maryland: College Park, Winsted, D., MA, Ball State University and McBee, S., BSAS, Youngstown State University. Gender Role Conflict and College Men’s Sexually Aggressive Attitudes and Behaviors.
  • Fisher, A., MA, and Good, G., PhD, University of Missouri: Columbia. Masculine Gender Role Conflict: Alexithymia and Discomfort With Interpersonal Intimacy.
  • Wade, J., MA, University of Maryland: College Park. African American Men’s Gender Role Conflict: Significant of Racial Identity.
  • Addelston, J., MA, City University of New York. Will Boys Be Boys? Gender Roles Conflict in High School Students.
  • Thomson, P., MA, Adelphi University. Men’s Sexual Abuse: Gender Role Conflict, Object Relations, and Guilt.

1994: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G.E. Research on men’s sexual and psychological assault of women: Programming considerations. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.,August 13, 1994.


  • Brittan, C., BA, Rando, R., PhD, Winsted, D., MA, and Olsen-Rando, D., MA. Contribution of Gender Role Conflict in College Men’s Sexually Aggressive Attitudes and Behaviors.
  • O’Neil, J.M., PhD, Owen, S., PhD, Holmes, S., MA, Dolgopolov, N., PhD, Stastenin, V.A., PhD. Russian-American Men’s Psychological Violence Toward Women – Cross Cultural Differences.
  • Good, G., PhD, Heppner, M., PhD, Hillenbrand, T., BA, Brock, K., BA, DeBoard, K., MA, Hacquard, L., MA, Hawkins, A., MA, and Nichols, R., PhD. Relations of Narcissism and Masculinity to Sexual and Psychological Violence.
  • Stevens, M., PhD. College Men and Sexual Violation – Counseling Process and Programming Considerations.

Discussant: O’Neil, J.M., PhD.

1993: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J.M. & Good, G. Symposium : Research on men’s sexual assault and constructive gender role interventions. Presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 20, 1993.


  • Kaplan, R., O’Neil, J.M. & Owen, S., University of Connecticut. Sexist, Normative, and Progressive Masculinity and Sexual Assault: Empirical Research.
  • Good, G., Heppner, M., Hacquard, L., Hawkins, A., Hillenbrand, T., Nichols, R., & Wang, L.F., University of Missouri: Columbia. Precursors of Sexual Assault: A Qualitative and Quantitative Examination.
  • Egan, J. & O’Neil, J.M., University of Connecticut. Experimental Research and Interventions on the Gender Role Journey Metaphor.
  • Oritt, E., Virginia Commonwealth University. Changing Attitudes About Sexual Aggression: Evaluation of a Campus Program.
  • Kramer, L., Good, G., Edwards, Q., Perez, R., Hinz, J., Reif, L., Hawkins, A., Wallace, D., Kerr, A. & Witty, T., University of Missouri: Columbia. Guide to Gender Issues in Counseling Practica: Relevant Interventions.

1991: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J. M. Symposium: Men studies in Counseling Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice. Presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 1991.


  • O’Neil, J.M., Murry, V., Egan, J., & Owen, S., University of Connecticut. The Gender Role Journey: A Healing Metaphor in Men’s Lives.
  • Good, G., University of Missouri: Columbia, Braverman, D., University of Richmond, O’Neil, J.M., University of Connecticut. Factor Structure and Reliability of the Gender Role Conflict Scale.
  • Hershberger, B., Boston University. Training Pre-doctoral Interns in Men’s Issues, Purpose, Strategies, and Applications.
  • Horne, A. & Mason, J., University of Georgia. Counseling Men: A University Campus Experience.

1988: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J. M., & Good, G. Symposium: Men’s gender role conflict: Definitions, case study, and three empirical studies. Presented at the 96th Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 12-16, 1988.


  • O’Neil, J.M. University of Connecticut. Definitions of Gender Role Conflict: A Study of John Lennon’s Life.
  • Davis, F., Harvard University & Walsh, B.W., Ohio State University. Antecedents and Consequences of Gender Role Conflict.
  • Good, G. & Dell, D., Ohio State University. Gender Role Conflict in Help Seeking Men.
  • Stillson, R., O’Neil, J.M. & Owen, S., University of Connecticut. Gender Role Conflict in Men: A Study of Predictive Variables.

1980: Symposium Title, Participants & Affiliations

O’Neil, J. M., Skovholt, T. M., Scher, M., Birk, J., Hanson, G., & Collison, B. Symposium: Sex role conflicts, sexism, masculinity: Psychological implications for counseling psychologists. Presented at the 88th convention of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada, September 1-5, 1980


  • O’Neil, J.M. University of Kansas. Sex Role Conflicts: Psychological Outcomes of the Masculine Socialization Process.
  • Skovholt, T. University of Minnesota. Psychological Services and Male Clients: How Wide is the Gap?
  • Scher, M. Tusculum College. Men and Intimacy: Implications for the Counseling Psychologist.
  • Birk, J.M. University of Maryland. Sexism, Relevancy, and Training in Counseling Psychology.
  • Hanson, G.R. University of Texas at Austin. Impact of Childhood Sex Role Socialization on Men’s Career Choices.
  • Collison, B. Wichita State University. Procedure for Sex Role Sensitization for Men.