Diversity, Intersectionality, Multicultural, & Gender Identity Published Studies

Gender identity, multicultural issues, societal discrimination, and violence against women and men are topics that have fueled the culture wars and caused polarization between Feminists and traditionalists. Given the current political and social turmoil in our society on these topics, GRC can be a potential portal for constructive dialogue and greater understanding of the complex gender role and multicultural conflicts that go unresolved.

This file provides references on GRC and diversity categories of race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, class, ethnicity, nationality and other diversity indices. Also summarized in this section are the correlates, moderators, and mediators variables of GRC for minority men. The figure below shows the diversity/multicultural categories where published research studies exist.

Diversity, Intersectionality, Multicultural, & Gender Identity-click the drop down boxes below the figure to view each topic

The diversity file is useful to multicultural researchers and practitioners because GRC has been found with diverse samples of American men as well as men in 25 other countries.

For more research on diversity, multiculturalism, and discrimination go to the “ Men’s Physical and Psychological Health Correlates of GRC" file of this web page.

Additionally, there are three videos presentations to view below:

  • A video lecture “The Multicultural Psychology of Men” presents the overall premises of how GRC relates to diversity, multiculturalism, oppression, discrimination, and social injustice.
  • The second video is a presentation on diversity, multiculturalism, and personal wisdom. The video emphasizes how appreciating and celebrating diversity is important and healthy.
  • The third video presentation focuses on transnational feminism and addresses the question “Does Transnational Feminism Relate to the Psychology of Men?” The content in this video is preliminary and will require more thought and reflection.

Video Lectures

Multicultural Psychology of Men Lecture ("new diversity lecture")

Diversity, Multiculturalism, & Wisdom Lecture

Transnational Feminism Lecture: “Does Transnational Feminism Relate to the Psychology of Men?”  


Identities: Racial, Ethnic, Sexual, & Gender

Carter, R.T., Williams, B., & Juby, H. L. (2005). Racial identity as mediator of the relationship between gender role conflict and severity of psychological symptoms in Black, Latino, and Asian men. Sex roles, 53, 473-486.

Cohn, A. & Zeichner, A. (2006). Effects of masculine identity and gender role stress on aggression in men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 179-190.

Davis, T. L. (2002). Voices of gender role conflict: The social construction of college men's identity. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 508-521.

de Visser, R. (2009). Young men, masculinity, and alcohol. In A. Broom & P. Tovey (Eds.) Men's health: Body, identity, and social context. New York: Wiley,

Donaldson, S. (2015). Women seek help-men die. An investigation into the effects of middle aged men’s self-perceived gender roles identity and their experience with depression, (Doctoral dissertation: University of Dundee) Dundee, Scotland.

Heard, C.C. (2009). Examining the relationship between religiosity and ethnic identity on gender role conflict among African-American men. Masters Thesis, Department of Psychology, Texas A & AM University –Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX.

Kim, J. (2003). Gender roles, gender role conflict, career indecision, vocational identity of Korean college students in female-dominant majors. The Korean Journal of Career Education Research, 16, 311-324.

Laurent, M.G. (1997). Gender role conflict, cultural identity, and self esteem among African-American men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California). Dissertation Abstracts International, 59/05,1473.

Liu, W.M. (2002). Exploring the lives of Asian American men: Racial identity, male r7-118.

ole norms, gender role conflict, and prejudicial attitudes. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 3, 10.

Paciej, A. (2010). The relationship between the level of engagement and the development of masculinity identity among male college students (Doctoral dissertation, Marywood University). Dissertation Abstracts International.

Rounds, D. (1994). Predictors of homosexual intolerance on a college campus: Identity, intimacy, attitudes toward homosexuals and gender role conflict. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut.

Sanchez, F.J. (2005). The relationship between masculine gender role conflict, negative identity, and being out. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa) Dissertation Abstracts International. 66/08, 3118.

Shek, Y.L. (2005). The relationship of racial identity and gender role conflict to self esteem of Asian American undergraduate men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland) Dissertation Abstracts International, 43/06, 1904.

Shek, Y. L. & McEwen, M.K. (2012). The relationship of racial identity and gender role conflict to self -esteem of Asian American undergraduates. Journal of College Student Development, 53, 703-718.

Silva, D.D. (2002). A study of Latino and Latina university student's gender role conflict, acculturation, ethnic identity, and worldview. (Doctoral dissertation, New Mexico State University). Dissertation Abstracts International. 63, 2626.

Sosoka, G.J. (2001). Male gender role identity development over four years: Differences in college men's self-perceived gender roles. Research at University of Dayton, Dayton Ohio.

Steinfeldt, J.& Steinfeldt, M.C. ( 2010). Gender role conflict, athletic identity, and help-seeking among high school football players. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 22, 262-273.

Schwartz Moravec, N. (2013). Gender role identity, gender role conflict, conformity to role nouns and men’s attitudes toward psychological help seeking. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston) Dissertation Abstract International.

Thayer, D. (2015). Does ethnic identity mediate the relationship between gender role conflict and depression in men. (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University), Dissertation Abstract International,

Torres Rivera, E. (1995). Puerto Rican men, gender role conflict, and ethnic identity. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut). Dissertation Abstracts International, 56/10, 4159.

Vinson, C.A. (2011). Influence of ethnic identity and perceived discrimination on male gender role conflicts' impact on well being (Doctoral dissertation, Texas Women University), Dissertation Abstract International, 71-11. Proquest Dissertation and theses data base (UMI no. 3430038).

White, A.M. (2002). Gender role conflict and racial identity as indicators of Black men’s help seeking attitudes. (Doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 2567.

African American Men

Applewhite, S. (2007). The relationship between gender role conflict, substance use, and sexual health behaviors of Black men: An exploratory research study of Black college men (Doctoral dissertation, Howard University) Dissertation Abstract International, 67/09, 3235528

Bean, A.O. (2009). An examination of factors that contribute to African American inability to seek professional help. (Doctoral dissertation, Tennessee State University). Dissertation Abstract International, 69, 5012.

Bingham, T.A., Harawa, N.T., Williams, J.K., (2013). Gender role conflict among African American men who have sex with men and women: Associations with mental health and sexual risk and disclosure behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 103, 127-133.

Brewer, A.M. (1998). The relationships among gender role conflict, depression, hopelessness, and marital satisfaction in a sample of African-American men. (Doctoral dissertation, Kent State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 59/06, 3049

Carter, R.T., Williams, B., & Juby, H. L. (2005). Racial identity as mediator of the relationship between gender role conflict and severity of psychological symptoms in Black, Latino, and Asian men. Sex roles, 53, 473-486.

Carrington, G.E. (2004). Predictors of African American male utilization of individual counseling services. (Doctoral dissertation, Kent state University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 65, 1675, 3133683.

Coleman, A.S. (2015). The role of fathers in masculinity and obesity in African American adolescent males. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut), Storrs, CT


Coleman, A., O’Neil, J.M., Caldwell, C.H., Ferris, A.M. (2019). Black fathers matter: The role of paternal closeness on adolescent male obesity. Psychology of Men  and  Masculinities, 20, 174-181. http://dxdoi/org/10.1037//men0000183.

Coleman, A., O’Neil, J.M., Ferris, A.M. (2019). The mediation effect between everyday discrimination, gender role conflict, emotional eating, and obesity in African American fathers and sons. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 20, 182-193.  Http//dxx.doi.org/10.122037/m3n00002012.

Del Pino, H.E. Steers, W.N., Lee, M., McCullen, J., Hays, R.D. Harawa, N.T. (2021).  Measuring gender  role conflict, internalized stigma, and racial and sexual  identity in behaviorally bisexual Black men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, http://link. Springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-01925-w# citeas.

Evans, P. (2006). An examination of factors which influence the attitudes of African American males toward psychotherapy. (Doctoral dissertation, Tennessee State University) Dissertation Abstracts International, 67/09.

Heard, C.C. (2009). Examining the relationship between religiosity and ethnic identity on gender role conflict among African-American men. Masters Thesis, Department of Psychology, Texas A & AM University –Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX.

Kimbrell, A.G. (2014). The effects of gender role conflict and adherence to masculine nouns on help-seeking behaviors and academic performance in African American college students. (Masters Thesis, Tennessee State University), Nashville, TN.

Laurent, M.G. (1997). Gender role conflict, cultural identity, and self esteem among African-American men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California). Dissertation Abstracts International, 59/05,1473.

Malebranche, D.J., Gvetadze, R., Millett, G.A., Sutton, M.Y. (2011). The relationship between gender role conflict and condom use among black MSM. Aids Behavior, DOI 10.1007/s10461-011-0055-3.

Manning, N.N. (2011).Gender role conflict among formerly incarcerated and college black males: The mediating effects of racial identity on psychological distress (Doctoral dissertation, Seton hall University, Dissertation Abstracts International, 72, 11.

McGill,, O.D. (2011). The influence of masculinity on restrictive emotionality among African American men. (Doctoral dissertation: Walden University, Minnesota, 3428416.

Norwalk, K.E., Vandiver, B.J., White, A.M., Englar-Carlson , M. (2011). Factor structure of the Gender Role Conflict Scale in African American and European American men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 12, 128-143.

Robinson, O. (2011). A definition of gender  role conflict among Black professional fathers. The Qualitiative Report, 16, 1389-1406.

Robinson, O.V. (2006). Gender role conflict among Black professional fathers. (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 67/04.

Robinson, D.T. & Schwartz, J.P. (2004). Relationship between gender role conflict and attitudes toward women and African Americans. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 5, 65-71.

Settle, A.G. (2008). Gender role conflict as a predictor of date rape variables in African American men (Doctoral dissertation, Tennessee State University). Doctoral dissertation International, 70/08, 3369536.

Wade, J.C. (1997). Reference group identity dependence scale: Development and validation of an instrument to measure male psychological relatedness to other males (men, masculinity) (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland). Dissertation Abstracts International 57/10, 6657.

Wade, J.C. (1995). Gender role perceptions and gender role conflicts of middle-class African American men. Journal of African American Men, 1, 103-120.

Wade, J.C. (1996). African American men's gender role conflict: The significance of racial identity. Sex Roles, 34, 458-464.

Wade, J.C.& Gelso, C.J. (1998). Reference group identity dependence scale: A measure of male identity. The Counseling Psychologist, 26, 384-412.

Walker, S.C. (2008). An examination of the psychological impact of gender role conflict and the engagement in double-consciosusness among African American men. Dissertation Abstract International, 69/08, 3320204.

Wester, S.R., Vogel, D.L., Wei, M., & McLain, R.  (2006). African American men, gender role conflict, and psychological  distress: The role of racial identity. Journal of Counseling and Development, 84, 419-429.

White, A.M. (2002). Gender role conflict and racial identity as indicators of Black men’s help seeking attitudes. (Doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 2567.

Hispanic American Men

Arellano- Morales, L. Liang, C.T., Ruiz, L., & Rios-Oropeza, E. (2016). Perceived racism, gender role conflict, and life satisfaction among Latino day laborers. Journal of Latino Psychology, 4, 32-42.

Bean, A.O. (2009). An examination of factors that contribute to African American inability to seek professional help. (Doctoral dissertation, Tennessee State University). Dissertation Abstract International, 69, 5012.

Carter, R.T., Williams, B., & Juby, H. L. (2005). Racial identity as mediator of the relationship between gender role conflict and severity of psychological symptoms in Black, Latino, and Asian men. Sex roles, 53, 473-486.

Cox, C.K. (2008). Gender role conflict and acculturation as predictors of help-seeking attitudes in Mexican-American men. (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 69, 08, 3324382.

Davis, J.M. (2012). Psychological help seeking among Latino males: Machismo, caballerismo, and gender role conflict. (Dissertation Abstracts, University of La Verne). Dissertation Abstract International. 3536343.

Davis, J.M., & Liang, C.T.H. (2015). A test of the mediating role of gender role conflict Latino masculinities and help-seeking attitudes. Psychology of men and masculinity, 16, 23-32.

Fragoso, J.M. & Kashubeck, S. (2000). Machismo, gender role conflict, and mental health in Mexican American men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 1, 87-97.

Gray (2015). Perceived gender role conflict and violence: Mexican American gang members. (Doctoral dissertation, Antioch University of Santa Barbara), Retrieved from ProQuest

Leka, G.E. (1998). Acculturation of a Mexican American male population and gender role conflict (Masters Thesis, The University of Texas - Pan American) Dissertation Abstracts International, 36, 1178.

Lily, R.L. (1999). Gender role conflict among Black/African American college men: Individual differences and psychological outcomes. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61,1088.

Liang, C. T.H., Salcedo, J., Miller, H.A. (2011). Perceived racism, masculinity ideologies, and gender role conflict among Latino men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 12, 201-215.

Mejias, J.C. (2010). Male gender role conflict as seen through muscularity concerns of self-identified Latino men. (Doctoral dissertation, City University of New York). Dissertation Abstracts International, 70/10, 3378600.

Silva, D.D. (2002). A study of Latino and Latina university student's gender role conflict, acculturation, ethnic identity, and worldview. (Doctoral dissertation, New Mexico State University). Dissertation Abstracts International. 63, 2626

Torres Rivera, E. (1995). Puerto Rican men, gender role conflict, and ethnic identity. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut). Dissertation Abstracts International, 56/10, 4159.

Torres, J.B., Solberg, S.H., Carlstrom, M.S. (2002). The myths of sameness among Latino men and their machismo. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 72, 163-181.

Asian American Men

Carter, R.T., Williams, B., & Juby, H. L. (2005). Racial identity as mediator of the relationship between gender role conflict and severity of psychological symptoms in Black, Latino, and Asian men. Sex roles, 53, 473-486.

Kim, E.J., O'Neil, J.M., & Owen, S.V. (1996). Asian- American men's acculturation and gender role conflict. Psychological Reports, 79, 95-104.

Kim, E.J. (1990). Asian-American men: Gender role conflict and acculturation. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California). Dissertation Abstracts International, 5/11, 3635.

Kim, J.Y. (2008). Relationship of gender role conflict and acculturation to wiliness to seek psychological help among Asian American and European American men. (doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California). Dissertation Abstracts International, 69/12, 3341715

Liu, W.M. & Iwamoto, D.K. (2006). Asian American men's gender role conflict: The role of Asian values, self-esteem, and psychological stress. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 153-164.

Liu, W.M. (2002). Exploring the lives of Asian American men: Racial identity, male role norms, gender role conflict, and prejudicial attitudes. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 3, 107-118.

Molenda- Kustanski, Z. (2017). Asian American men and fatherhood: Relationship between acculturation, gender role conflict, parenting efficacy, and father involvement. (Doctoral dissertation, Seton Hall University), South Orange. N.J. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. 10162765)

Shek, Y.L. (2005). The relationship of racial identity and gender role conflict to self esteem of Asian American undergraduate men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland) Dissertation Abstracts International, 43/06, 1904.

Shek, Y. L. & McEwen, M.K. (2012). The relationship of racial identity and gender role conflict to self -esteem of Asian American undergraduates. Journal of College Student Development, 53, 703-718.

Vu, P.H. (2000) Relations between acculturation and gender roles conflict, shame-proneness, and psychological well-being among Vietnamese-American men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia). Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 5011.

Mixed Race Studies

Bean, A.O. (2009). An examination of factors that contribute to African American inability to seek professional help. (Doctoral dissertation, Tennessee State University). Dissertation Abstract International, 69, 5012.

Berlin, C. (1988). Gender role conflict, future time perspective, and contraceptive behavior among unmarried Black, White and Hispanic adolescent fathers and their nonfather peers. (Doctoral dissertation, New York University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 49/10, 2940.

Carter, R.T., Williams, B., & Juby, H. L. (2005). Racial identity as mediator of the relationship between gender role conflict and severity of psychological symptoms in Black, Latino, and Asian men. Sex roles, 53, 473-486.

Silva, D.D. (2002). A study of Latino and Latina university student's gender role conflict, acculturation, ethnic identity, and worldview. (Doctoral dissertation, New Mexico State University). Dissertation Abstracts International. 63, 2626

Stillson, R.W. (1988). Gender role conflict in adult men: A study of predictive variables. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut, Department of Educational Psychology) Dissertation Abstracts International, 50/02, 366.

Stillson, R., O'Neil, J.M., & Owen, S.V. (1991). Predictors of adult men's gender role conflict: Race, class, unemployment, age, instrumentality-expressiveness, and personal strain. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38, 458- 464.


Borthick, M.J. (1997). Gender role conflict and suicidal ideation in an adolescent and young adult population: Age 18-24 year-old. (Doctoral dissertation, Tennessee State University). Dissertation Abstracts International 58, 4437.

Butler, M (2005). A gender comparison of relationships between gender role conflict and depression, anxiety, and stress in Australian university students. Psychology laboratory Report, RMIT University, Australia.

Daltry, R. (2009). The impact of gender role conflict on the quality of life in female athletes, Doctoral dissertation, LaSalle University. Philadelphia, PA.

Eicken, I.M. (2003). The relationship of emotional intelligence, alexithymia, and universal-diverse orientation, to gender role conflict. (Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University), Dissertation Abstracts International, 64, 4665.

Garcia-Sanchez, R., Almendros, C., Gamez-Guadix, M., Martin, M.J., Aramayona, B., & Martinez, J.M. (2018). Assessment of conflicts associated with a traditional masculine gender role in Spanish college men and women. Sex Roles, 78: 81-93 DOI 10.1007/s11199-017-0765-8.

Harnishfeger, B.R. (1998). The relationship of gender role conflict to male college students' receipt and use of violence in heterosexual dating relationships. (Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University). Dissertation Abstracts International. 59/06, 3108.ertation, LaSalle University. Philadelphia, PA.

Herley, T. (2015).  Perceptions of role conflict and workplace stress among women working in two traditionally male professions. (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). Walden dissertation and Doctoral Studies. http://scholarsworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations.

Herdman, K.J., Choi, N., Fuqua, D. R. & Newmans, J.L. (2012). Gender role conflict: Validation for a sample of gay men and lesbian women. Psychological Reports, 110, 227-232.

Hernandez, A.M. (2006). The effects of gender role conflict and self esteem. Senior thesis, Psychology Department, University of LaVerne.

Holmes, S.M. (2016). The effects on self-objectification and gender role conflict in college student. University Honors Program Theses, 159, Georgia Southern University (http://; digit commons.georgiasouthern.edu/cgi/viewcontent. Cgi?article=1183+c0ntext=honors-theses.

Lu, Q., Kang, X., Li, X., Zheng, H., Liu, X., & Shao, C. (2015). Revision of the gender role conflict scale adolescent for Chinese adolescent. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1, 17-21.

McDermott, R.C., Naylor, P.D., McKelvey, D., Kantra, L. (2017). College men’s and women’s masculine gender role strain and dating violence acceptance attitudes: Testing sex as a moderator. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 18, 99-111.

Nelson, K. L. (2012). Examining the effects of fear of  failure, self efficacy and gender role conflict in male and female engineering students. (Doctoral dissertation, Louisiana Tech University, Dissertation Abstracts International.3515933.

Newman, S.G. (1997). Self-silencing, depression, gender role, and gender role conflict in women and men. (Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University). Dissertation Abstracts International. 58, 6818.

Silva, D.D. (2002). A study of Latino and Latina university student's gender role conflict, acculturation, ethnic identity, and worldview. (Doctoral dissertation, New Mexico State University). Dissertation Abstracts International. 63, 2626.

Schwartz, J. P., Higgins, A. J., & He, Y. H. (2003, August). Gender role conflict: Impact on body image of men. In J. M. O’Neil & G. E. Good (Co-Chairs), Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict: Five empirical studies. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Zamarripa, M.X., Wampold, B.E. & Gregory, E. (2003). Male gender role conflict, depression, and anxiety: Clarification and generalizability to women. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 333-338.

Age Differences, Socioeconomic Status, and Class

Burke, K. (2000). Gender role conflict and psychological well-being: An exploration in men enrolled to attend an initiatory weekend. (Master thesis, Human Service Psychology - Clinical, University of Maryland (Baltimore County). Baltimore, Md. 21227.

Cournoyer, R.J. & Mahalik, J.R. (1995). A cross- sectional study of gender role conflict examining college- aged and middle-aged men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42, 11-19.

Gough, F. (1999). Masculinity and psychological health in Australian men: Metropolitan, regional, and age comparisons. (Post Graduate thesis), Victoria University of Technology, Department of Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.

Heath, L.A. & Thomas, T. (2006). An intergenerational examination of male gender role conflict and psychological distress. Australian Journal of Psychology, 58, 144-144, Suppl. S.

Mahalik, J.R., Locke, B.D. , Theordore, H., Cournoyer, R.J., Lloyd, B.F. (2001). A cross-national and cross-sectional comparison on men’s gender role conflict and its relationship to social intimacy and self esteem, Sex Roles, 45, 1-14.

McGinness, C. (2011). Twenty five years of change in men gender role strain as measured by the Gender Role Conflict Scale. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas). ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (UMI No. 3469159).

Stillson, R., O'Neil, J.M., & Owen, S.V. (1991). Predictors of adult men's gender role conflict: Race, class, unemployment, age, instrumentality-expressiveness, and personal strain. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38, 458- 464.

Theodore, H. (1998). The relationship between gender role conflict and psychological well being across the life span: A cross-sectional study of Australian men. Honors Thesis in Psychology. Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia.

International Studies

Click here to view the different international studies related to the GRCS

Below are resources on Gay, Bisexual, & Transgendered People including both published studies and Ph.D. dissertations. For topics that include both published and unpublished work, they will be clearly labeled in sections. Please click each box below to expand.

Gay Men

Published Studies

Alt, M., Lewis, A.M., Liu, W.M., Vilain, E., Sanchez, F.G. (2014). On the validity of popular masculinity rating scales with gay men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43,1547-1557.

Blashill, A. J. & Vanderwal, J.S. (2009). Mediation of gender role conflict and eating pathology in gay men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 204-217.

Blashill, A.J. & Hughes, H.H. (2009) Gender role and gender role conflict: Preliminary considerations for psychotherapy with gay men. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental  Health, 13, 170-186.

Bryce, D.M. (2012). Predicting men's relationship satisfaction with men through internalized homonegativity and restricted emotionality (Doctoral dissertation, University of La Verne). Dissertation Abstracts International.

Choi, N., Herdman, K.,Fuqua, D.R., Newman, J.L. (2011). Gender  role conflict and gender role orientation in a sample of gay men. The Journal of Psychology, 145, 507-519.

Del Pino, H.E. Steers, W.N., Lee, M., McCullen, J., Hays, R.D. Harawa, N.T. (2021).  Measuring gender  role conflict, internalized stigma, and racial and sexual  identity in behaviorally bisexual Black men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, http://link. Springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-01925-w# citeas

Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). Gender Role Conflict, Gay Identity, Relationship Love Types and Relationship Satisfaction in Greek Gay Men: A Path Model. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 10608265231177432. https://doi.org/10.1177/10608265231177432.

Driver, R. , Cortopassi, A.C., El-Krab, R., Eaton, L.A., Kalichman, S.C. (2022). Examining stigmatizing beliefs about  PREP use Black sexual minority men: A test of  explanatory mechanisms. Psychology of Men and Masculinities. 23, 1, 26-34.

Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023, ). Psychometric properties of the Gender Role Conflict – Short form (GRC-SF) in straight and gay Greek men. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships. 

Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). A pilot study testing a new visual stimuli database for probing men’s Gender Role Conflict: GRASP (Gender Role Affective Stimuli Pool). Journal of Homosexuality. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2022.2104147

Herdman, K.J., Choi, N., Fuqua, D. R. & Newmans, J.L. (2012). Gender role conflict: Validation for a sample of gay men and lesbian women. Psychological Reports, 110, 227-232.

McMahon, Tiernan, J., Moane, G. (2020). Differences in gay and heterosexual emotional restriction through their femininity: An Irish Study, 29, 4, 457-469.

Robinson, M.A. & Brewster, M.E. (2014). Motivations for fatherhood: Examining internalized heterosexism and gender role conflict with childless gay and bisexual men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 15, 49-59.

Sanchez, F.J., Bocklandt, S., Vilain, E. (2009). Gender role conflict, interest in casual sex, and relationship satisfaction among gay men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 237-243.

Sanchez, F.J., Westefeld, J.S., Liu, W. M., Vilain, E. (2010). Masculine gender role conflict and negative feelings about being gay. Professional Psychology, Research, and Practice, 41, 104-111.

Simonsen, G., Blazina, C., & Watkins, C.E. (2000). Gender role conflict and psychological well-being among gay men. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 47, 85-89.

Szymanski, D.M. & Carr, E.R. (2008). The role of gender role conflict and internalized heterosexism in gay and bisexual men's psychological distress: Testing two mediational models. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 9, 40-54.

Szymanski, D.M. & Ikizler, A.S. (2013). Internalized heterosexism as a mediator in the relationship between gender role conflict, heterosexist discrimination, and depression among sexual minority men, Psychology of of Men and Masculinity, 14, 211-219. DO:10.1037/a0027787.

Szymanski, D.M., Mikorski, B., Dunn, T.L. (2019). Predictors of sexual minority men’s sexual objectification of other men. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36, 3631-3650.

Toubia, B. (2014). Gender role conflict, role division, and the gay relational experience. Journal of Strategic & Systemic Therapies, 33, 15-23.

Van Hyfte, G.J. & Rabinowitz, F.E. (August, 2001). Men's group affiliation and same-sex intimacy.

Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Vasquez, D.A., Newman, J.L., Frey, L.L. Caze, T.J., Friedman, A.N. & Meek, W.D. (2014). Relational health and masculine gender role conflicts in the friendships and community relationships of bisexual, gay, and straight men. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 8, 124-145.

Wester, S.R., Pionke, D.R. & Vogel, D.L. (2005) Male gender role conflict, gay men, and same-sex romantic relationships. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 6, 195-208.

Zhang, C., Blashill, A.J., Wester, S.R., O’Neil, J.M, Vogel, D.L., Wei, J., & Zhang, J. (2014). Factor structure of the Gender Roole conflict Scale-Short From in Chinese heterosexual and gay samples. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 16, 229-233.

Ph.D. Dissertations

Amorella, B. (2016). An investigation of the relationship between gay identity, perceived social support, gender role conflict, and parent intention in childless gay men. (Doctoral dissertation, Seton Hall University), South Orange, N.J.

Bryce, D.M. (2012). Predicting men's relationship satisfaction with men through internalized homonegativity and restricted emotionality (Doctoral dissertation, University of La Verne). Dissertation Abstracts International.

Ervin, A.M. (2003). Male gender role conflict and internalized homonegativity: The impact of gay men’s psychological well-being. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Memphis), Dissertation Abstracts International, 65, 3704.

Griffin, A.A. (2011). Sexual compulsivity among sexual minorities: Relations to attachment orientations and gender role conflict. Masters Thesis, Loyola University, Baltimore, Maryland.

Herdman, K.J. (2008). The effects of psychological and biological gender on gender role conflict and mental health of  gay and lesbian indviduals. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Louisville). Dissertation Abstracts International, 68-12

Jackson, C.D. (2009). Exploration of factors associated with eating disorders in gay men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa). Dissertation Abstracts International, 69, 7812.

Jones, D.A. (1998). Gender role conflict, coping, and psychological distress in gay men. (Doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University). Dissertation Abstracts International., 59/08, 4468.

Karten, E.Y. (2005). Sexual orientation efforts in dissatisfied same sex attracted men: What does it really take to change. (Doctoral dissertation, Fordham University). Dissertation Abstracts international.

Kosmopoulos, A.D. (2008). Male gender role conflict among gay fathers who are primary caregivers to their young children: An exploratory study. (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology). Dissertation Abstracts International, 69/07, 3322256.

Levine, A. (2013). The relationship between internalized homophobia and gender roles in gay  men (Master Thesis, Pacific University Retrieved from http://commons.pacificu.edu/spp1452

McMahon, J. (2009) Gender role conflict in gay men living in Ireland. Research Honor Project, Psychology Department, Dublin Business School, Dublin Ireland

Mudd, J. (2013). The relationship between gender role conflict, psychological distress, and attitudes and intentions toward help in divorce gay fathers. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University).

Naranjo, S. (2001). The self-destructive man: A study of gender role conflict. (Doctoral Dissertation, Central Michigan University). Dissertation Abstracts International. 62, 1592.

O’Brien, S. (2014). Protective factors among non-suicidal young gay males: An exploratory study. (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University). Dissertation Abstracts International

Payton, G.J. (2009). Identity and mental health among gay white men: The interrelations of race, gender, and sexual orientation. (Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University) Dissertation Abstracts International 69, 6429.

Sanchez, F.J. (2005). The relationship between masculine gender role conflict, negative identity, and being out. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa) Dissertation Abstracts International. 66/08, 3118.

Shepard, W.D. (2001). Masculine gender role conflict and psychological well-being: A comparative study of heterosexual and gay men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas). Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 4386, 3065601.

Van Stralen, S. (2016). Emotional expressiveness, sexual orientation, and well-being among military men. (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University) Dissertation Abstracts International, vol. 77 (1-B) (E).

Zhang, C. (2014) Mediation of internalized homonegativity and moral emotions in Chinese gay men. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongquin, China.

Bisexual Men

Published Studies

Del Pino, H.E. Steers, W.N., Lee, M., McCullen, J., Hays, R.D. Harawa, N.T. (2021).  Measuring gender  role conflict, internalized stigma, and racial and sexual  identity in behaviorally bisexual Black men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, http://link. Springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-01925-w# citeas.

Robinson, M.A. & Brewster, M.E. (2014). Motivations for fatherhood: Examining internalized heterosexism and gender role conflict with childless gay and bisexaul men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 15, 49-59.

Szymanski, D.M. & Carr, E.R. (2008). The role of gender role conflict and internalized heterosexism in gay and bisexual men's psychological distress: Testing two mediational models. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 9, 40-54.

Vasquez, D.A., Newman, J.L., Frey, L.L. Caze, T.J., Friedman, A.N. & Meek, W.D. (2014). Relational health and masculine gender role conflicts in the friendships and community relationships of bisexual, gay, and straight men. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 8, 124-145.

Transgendered Men-Women

Grethel, M.M. (2007). Childhood gender nonconformity, male gender role conflict, and body image concerns among female-to-male young adults. (Doctoral dissertation, New York University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 68/03, 3253610.

Wester, S.R., McDonough, T.A., White, M., Vogel, D.L. & Taylor, L. (2010). Using gender role conflict theory in counseling male-to-female transgender individuals. Journal of Counseling and Development, 88, 214-219.

Additionally, resources on correlational, moderators, and mediator variables related to GRC can be found below:

Correlational, Moderators, and Mediator Variables Related to GRC

Table 1 and 2 shows the variables that significantly correlate, moderate or mediate GRC for men in general and minority men.

Table 1 Correlational, Moderator, and Mediation Variables Related To GRC
Contextual, Demographic, Multicultural Variables Correlated with GRC For Minority Men:
Race, class, ethnicity, age, stage of life, sex (women and transgendered people), socioeconomic status (SES), educational level,  marital status, work roles, nationality, acculturation and assimilation,  racial & ethnic identity, machismo ideology & cabalerismo, cultural values, personal & societal discrimination, states of vulnerability, being violent.
Moderators of GRC for Minority Men:
Less ambivalence & confusion about racial identity, Asian identity, self-esteem, assimilation into the majority culture, traditional African American religious acculturation, Black identity salience, multicultural inclusive racial identity, attitudes toward help seeking, pre-encounter state of racial identity, depression, stress, acculturation, machismo, acculturation, monocultural versus bicultural status, distress, caballerismo, perceived racism, sex typing of self, homonegativity, environmental mastery, purpose in life, internalized heteroesexism
Mediators of GRC for Minority Men:
Racial identity, psychological stress (?) , internalized racism, norms of the dominant white culture, machismo ideology, homonegativity, shame, guilt, heterosexist discrimination, internalized heterosexism, self-esteem, negative affect, social sensitivity, internalized heterosexism, avoidant coping, and multicultural inclusiveness


Table 2.
Moderators Studies On Gender-Role Conflict (GRC) Men For In General
Author GRC as Predictors Moderator Variables
Robison & Brewster (2013) GRC Internalized Heterosexism & GRC
Shek & McEwen (2012) Less RE Less ambivalence & confusion about racial identity and Asian identity
Pierce (2012) GRC Level of support
Amato (2012) GRC Prisoner’s age, violence, religion, family history of crime
Murray & Lewis (2012) GRC Age, muscle, height, and body dissatisfaction
Courtenay & McCreary (2011) RABBM Multiple high risk behavior
Amato & MacDonald GRC Age, drug use, violence, with homeless men
Galligan, Barnett, Brennan, & Israel (2010) GRC Resilience
Liang, Salcedo, & Miller (2010) GRC Machismo, cabalerismo, perceived stress and racism
Graef, Tokar, & Kaut GRC Attitudes toward career counseling stigma, willingness to seek career counseling
Hoyt (2009) GRC Emotional expression, emotional processing, age
Windle & Smith (2009) RE & RABBM Husband’s withdrawal
Blashill & Hughes (2009) GRC Sextyping of self, distress
Wolfram, Mohr, Borchet (2008) GRC Worker dissatisfaction, higher irritation, higher depression & anxiety, expressiveness, instrumentality
Wester, Christiansan, Vogel, & Wei (2007) RABBM ?
Thomas (2005) GRC Psychological Reactance
McCreary, Saucier, & Courtenay (2005) SPC & CBWFR Drive for muscularity
Schwartz, Waldo, Daniel (2005) RE Self-esteem, intimidation, & threats
Robison & Schwartz (2004) White men’s RABBM & SPC Negative attitudes toward African Americans
Ervin (2003) GRC Homonegativity, environmental mastery, purpose in life
Monk & Ricciardelli (2003) RE Alcohol & cannabis use
Bruch (2003) RABBM & RE Shyness, toughness
Cachia (2001) GRC Attachment avoidance
Fragosa & Kashubeck (2000) GRC(?) Depression, stress, machismo
Alexander (1999) RE Satisfaction and feelings of efficacy as parents
Newman (1998) GRC Self-silencing and depression
Lilly (1999) GRC Traditional African American religious acculturation, Black male identity, salience
Friedman (2011) GRC SES unemployed men (N.S.)
Jana-Masri (2011) GRC Religiosity to Islam (N.S.)

See full references here.

Mediator Studies On Gender-Role Conflict (GRC) Men For In General
Authors - Studies Predictors Mediators Outcome Variables
Vogel, Wester, Hammer, & owning-Matibag (2013) RE & RABBM Stigma Willingness to refer a friend or family member
Shepard & Rickards (2012) Drive for Muscularity, GRC GRC
Self-stigma of seeking help, attitudes toward seeking help
Intentions to seek help
Szymanski & Ikizler (2012) RABBM & heterosexist discrimination Internalized Heterosexism Depression
Uy (2011) Muscularity


Drinking to cope Alcohol consumption

Drinking problems

Griffin (2011) Attachment


GRC Sexual compulsivity
Groeschel, Wester, & Sedivy, (2010) Negative alcohol

Related consequences

GRC Attitude toward help seeking
Choi, Kim, Hwang, & Heppner (2010) SPC, RE, RABBM GRC Depression & instrumentality
Wester, Arndt, Sedivy, & Arndt (2010) Greater risk, fewer benefits Emotional depression Stigma associated with counseling
Hoyt (2009) GRC Self & Social Stigma Distress explanation
Park & Seo (2009) GRC Negative affect, social sensitivity Less positive & willingness to seek counseling
Blashill & Vanderwal (2009) GRC Negative affect, social sensitivity Eating disorder symptomology
Houle, Mischard, & Chagnon (2009) GRC Risk factors of help seeking & social support Suicidal behavior
Szymanski & Carr (2008) GRC Self-esteem and avoidant coping Psychological distress
Breiding, Windle, & Smith (2008) GRC Husband’s criticism, wives’ criticism & self criticism Marital adjustment
Varvel (2008) Attitudes toward problem solving GRC Psychological functioning
Wester, Christianson, Vogel, & Wei (2007) RE Social support Psychological support
Wester, Kuo, Vogel (2006) SPC, RE, RABBM Avoidant & engagements coping Psychological stress
Batty (2006) GRC Task coping Therapy preference
Wester, Vogel, Wei, & McLain (2006) GRC Racial identity as internalized racism (self-hatred) Psychological distress
Sipes (2005) Perceived gender role socialization Masculinity
Carter, Williams, & Juby (2005) GRC Racial Identity Severity of problem
Serna (2004) GRC Personality Sexual aggression against women
Breiding (2004) GRC Husband’s observed hostility Wives’ marital adjustment
White (2002) RE & RABBM Multicultural Inclusiveness Attitudes toward help seeking
Hill & Fischer (2001) Masculine Gender Role Components & GRC Entitlements & General Entitlement Rape related variables
Swenson (1998) RE Age Self-disclosure
Tokar & Jome (1998) GRC Career choice traditionality Vocational interests
Covell (1998) GRC Sexist attitudes, age Likelihood to sexually harassment
Bruch, Berko, Haas (1995) Personality Attributes RE Interpersonal competence
Davis (1987) GRC Sex Role Salience ?
Baima (2012) GRC Spiritual well-being Psychological Distress (N.S.)
Tsan, Day, Schwartz, & Kimbrel (2011) Behavioral inhibition, Behavioral activation ? N.S.
Steinfeldt, Rutowski, Vaugh, & Steinfeldt (2011) GRC Moral atmosphere and moral functioning ? N.S.
Land, Rochlen, Vaugh (2011) Maternal bonding GRC, negative mood regulation Adult attachment avoidance,
Faircloth (2011) GRC Demographics (age, time in the job, education, area of work) Job satisfaction to explain sex deference,
Hobza & Rochlen (2009) GRC Self-esteem Drive for muscularity,
Daltry (2009) GRC Women’s distress tolerance Quality of athletic life,
Olsen (2000) GRC Trait anger Anger expression