- Introduction to Gender Role Conflict (GRC) Program
- Overall Information about GRC- Books, Summaries, & History
- Gender Role Conflict Theory, Models, and Contexts
- Recently Published GRC Studies & Dissertations
- Published Journal Studies on GRC
- Dissertations Completed on GRC
- Symposia & Research Studies Presented at APA 1980-2015
- International Published Studies & Dissertations on GRC
- Diversity, Intersectionality, & Multicultural Published Studies
- Psychometrics of the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS)
- Factor Structure
- Confirmatory Factor Analyses
- Internal Consistency Reliability Data
- Internal Consistency & Reliability for 20 Diverse Samples
- Convergent & Divergent Validity of the GRCS Samples
- Normative Data on Diverse Men
- Classification of Dependent Variables & Constructs
- Authors, Samples & Measures with 200 GRC Guides
- Correlational, Moderators, and Mediator Variables Related to GRC
- GRC Research Hypotheses, Questions, and Contexts To be Explored
- Situational GRC Research Models
- 7 Research Questions/ Hypotheses on GRC & Empirical Evidence
- Important Cluster Categories of GRC Research References
- Research Models Assessing GRC and Hypotheses To Be Tested
- GRC Empirical Research Summary Publications
- Published Critiques of the GRCS & GRC Theory
- Clinically Focused Models, Journal Studies, Dissertations
- Psychoeducation Interventions with GRC
- Gender Role Journey Theory, Therapy, & Research
- Receiving Different Forms of the GRCS
- Receiving International Translations of the GRC
- Teaching the Psychology of Men Resource Webpage
- Video Lectures On The Gender Role Journey Curriculum & Additional Information
Recently Published GRC Studies & Dissertations
The most recently published journal articles and dissertations on GRC are listed in this file. I want to identify current GRC researchers who may be helpful to you in networking and showcase their research.
Journal Publications 2021-present
McMahon, T. J. (2025). Opioid addiction and gender role conflict: A comparative study of fathers receiving treatment for an opioid use disorder. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 26(1), 61–75. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000473.
Ma’rifah, A.R., Afiyanti, Y., Djatmiko, W., Ruwaida, I., Milanti, A. (2024). Gender role conflicts experienced by Indonesian women with gynecological cancer: A phenomenological study. Belitung Nursing Journal, 10 (1), 78-86. https://doi.org/100.33546/bnj.3064.
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2024). A pilot study testing a new visual stimuli database for probing men’s Gender Role Conflict: GRASP (Gender Role Affective Stimuli Pool). Journal of Homosexuality. 71,72-95. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2022.2104147
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2024). The bigger picture: The effect of context on Gender Role Conflict. Psychological Reports. 127 (2), 747-785.
Ford, P.A. & Keane, C.A. (2024). Australian men’s help-seeking intentions for anxiety symptoms: The impact of masculine norm conformity and gender role conflict. Heliyon, 7, 29114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliypn.2024e29114.
Jenkins, D. L., McDermott, R. C., & Levant, R. F. (2024). Adhering, rejecting, and conflicting: A latent profile analysis of emerging adult men’s traditional masculinity ideology and gender role conflict. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000515
Kellett, P., O’Lynn, C.E. Herakova, L.L. O’Connor,T. (2023). Gender role conflict and male nursing students’ academic and program success. Journal of Nursing Education, 62, (1), 42-46.
Krivoshchekov, V., Gulevich, O., Blagov, I. (2023). Traditional masculinity and male violence against women: A meta-analytic examination. Psychology of Men and Masculinities Https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/men0000426.
Cranswick, I., Tod, D., Clarke, P., Jones, A., (2023). Exploring the impact of athletic identity on gender role conflict and athlete injury fear avoidance in male English professional academy football players. Science Medicine Football, doi: 10.1080/24733938.2023.2224293.
Grandi, L., Minton, S., May, J., Tipton, K. (2023). UK men’s experience of the gender role journey and implications for clinicians and mental health services. Psychology of Men and Masculinities. Advance online publication. https:doi.org/10.1037/men0000421
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). Gender Role Conflict, Gay Identity, Relationship Love Types and Relationship Satisfaction in Greek Gay Men: A Path Model. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 31, 3. 31,3.10608265231177432. https://doi.org/10.1177/10608265231177432.
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Gender Role Conflict – Short form (GRC-SF) in straight and gay Greek men. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships. 17 (2), 143-160.
Scott-Storey, K., O’Donnell, S., Vincent, C.D., Malcolm, J., Wuest, J. (2023). Cumulative lifetime violence, gender role conflict, and cardiovascular disease risk in Eastern Canadian men. American Journal of Men’s Health. 2023, May-June: 17(3): 15579883231176996. Doi:10.1177/155798832311876996.
Thorpe, S.M., Stevens-Watkins, D., Thrasher, S., Malone, N., Dogan, J.N. (2023). Religion, psychiatric symptoms, and gender role conflict among incarcerated Black men. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 24 (1), 76-82.
Le, T.P. & Iwamoto, D.K. (2022). Racial discrimination, gender role conflict, and depression in college men of color: A longitudinal test of racist-gender stress model. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. 23, 4-12
Driver, R. , Cortopassi, A.C., El-Krab, R., Eaton, L.A., Kalichman, S.C. (2022). Examining stigmatizing beliefs about PREP use Black sexual minority men: A test of explanatory mechanisms. Psychology of Men and Masculinities. 23, 1, 26-34.
Eggenberger, L., Komlrnac, N., Ehlert, U., Grub, J., Walther, A. (2022). Association between psychotherapy use, sexual orientation, and traditional masculinity among psychologically distressed men . Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 23, 384-398.
Komlenac, N. & Hochleitner, M. (2022). Internal structure and invariance analysis across gender of the common-language version of the Male Role Norm Inventory-Short Form. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 23, 86-98.
Nagai, S. (2022). Does male gender role conflict inhibit help-seeking. Japanese Psychological Research. Doi: 10.1111/jpr.12413.
Tredinnick, L. (2022). Student-athlete barriers to bystander intervention: : Assessing gender role conflict and intention to respond to post-sexual assault. Sport Social Work Journal.,1, 189-207
Gawandari Farinasari, A., Chusniyah, T., Suryani, I., & Mardianto, M. (2022). Gender Role Conflict as a Psychological Well-Being Predictor of Unemployed Males With Family in Malang Regency. KnE Social Sciences, 7(1), 146–156. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v7i1.10208
Majeed, R., Ahmad, M., Gul, M. (2021). Exploration of gender role conflict in transfeminine individuals: An IPA study. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 19, 20-26.
Del Pino, H.E. Steers, W.N., Lee, M., McCullen, J., Hays, R.D. Harawa, N.T. (2021). Measuring gender role conflict, internalized stigma, and racial and sexual identity in behaviorally bisexual Black men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, http://link. Springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-01925-w# citeas.
Chung-Hee, W. & Seung-Yeon, Y. (2021). The effects of the gender sensitivity, the gender role conflict on nursing professionals in nursing students. The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education, 22, 41-54.
Christensen, M., Purkis, N., Morgan, R., Allen, C. (2021). Does the nursing curriculum influence feelings of gender role conflict in a cohort of nursing degree male students? Br J Nurs. 2021- Sept 23, 30 (17):1024-1030.17.1024.
Green, R. (2021). Maintaining masculinity: Moral positioning when accounting for prostate cancer illness. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Social Study of Health, Illness, and Medicine. 25(4), 399-416.
Loeb, T.B., Jauregui, J.C., Wyatt, G.E., Chin, D., Hamilton, A.B., Zhang, M., Holloway, I. W. & Patron, D.J. (2021). Does gender role conflict moderate the relationships between life time adversity and HIV stigma in a community sample of HIV seropositive Black men. Men and Masculinity, 25,1, 126-147.doi.org/10. 1177/1097184X211017177.
Gilbar, O., Wester, S.R., & Ben-Porat, A. (2021). The effects of gender role conflict restricted emotionality on the association between exposure to trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder, and intimate partner violence severity. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 22, 88-100.
Martin-Fernandez, J., Levant, R.F. Wolfe, G. (2021). The fathers’ current expectation about son’s masculinity scale (FCEASMS): Development and validation. Psychology of Men and masculinity, 22, (4), 745-756.
Dissertations 2020-present
Courtney, Adam (2024). The effect of age on male body image when controlling for gender role conflict. Institute of Art, Design + Technology. Thesis. https://hdl.handle.net/10779/iadt.25226474.v1
Gaskin-Cole, Gabriella Jacinta. Examining Gender Role Conflict in Strong Black Women's Romantic Relationships Using a Mixed Methods Approach, dissertation, July 2024; Denton, Texas. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc2356141/: accessed February 7, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu; .
Levanda, L. (2023). Does being rejected mean you’re not a man? Linking traditional masculinity ideology and rejection sensitivity. (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 30525002.
Snowden, B. (2023). Gender role conflict experienced by baccalaureate level male nursing students at the University of Southern Mississippi, Honors Theses. 893. http ://aquila.usm. Edu/honors theses/893.
Sasa, R. Gender role conflict, campus climate, and satisfaction among male undergraduate nursing students. CUNY Academic Works. https: //academic works.CUNY edu/gc-etds/5349.
Angelini-Cooke, E. (2022). The effects of gender role conflict on help seeking attitudes for men who have sex with men (MSM) and men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) with painful receptive anal intercourse. (Doctoral dissertation, Widener University) Dissertation Abstracts International, 83,11-12, AA129163451.
Tejrana, A. (2022). Cry like a man – A exploration of restrictive emotionality, stress, and ideas of masculinity among Indian men between the ages of 18-26 years. School of Human Ecology, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India.
Ponte Rodriguez, L. (2022). Masculine gender role conflict and suicidal ideation among justice involved veterans: A moderation analysis. Texas A & M University https://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/197724.
Loya, K. (2022). The influence of mentalization and male gender role conflict on sexual aggression. (Doctoral dissertation, Fielding Institute, Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 2023, 29394518.
Mitchell, J. (2021). Gender role conflict, masculine body ideals, and male body dissatisfaction: Examining the gender self-socialization development model. (Doctoral dissertation, Auburn University) Dissertation Abstract International. ProQuest Dissertation and Theses, 29288888.
Moreland, A.D. (2021). The relationships of gender role conflict, psychological well-being, help seeking attitudes, and PTSD Symptom severity among male veterans. (Doctoral dissertation, Fielding Graduate School), Proquest Dissertations, 2021.2871675.
Booth, N.R. (2021). Traditional masculinity ideology, conformity, gender role conflict, and protective traits: A testable model based on the gender role strain paradigm. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Alabama) Dissertation Abstracts International. 82, (2-B), AA 128027077.
Burroughs, J. (2021). Depression and gender role conflict in midlife men: What can the TAT tell us about their experiences? (Doctoral dissertation, Fielding Graduate University).
Marosi, Christopher H (2021). The Development and Validation of the Spectrum Role Conflict Scale- Gender. University of Illinois Chicago. Thesis. https://doi.org/10.25417/uic.17026340.v1.
Frankovich, A. (2020). Moderating effects of narcissism on the relationship between gender role conflict and violence (Doctoral dissertation, Fielding Graduate University), 28256110.
Heyrmen, K.E. (2020). Gender role conflict, emotion regulation, and PTSD symptoms severity in acutely injured trauma survivors. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Theses & Dissertations.2520. https://d.c.uwm.edu/etd/2520.
Marston, P. (2020). The experience of gender role conflict in schools shooters: A qualitative study (2020). Doctoral dissertations, University of Connecticut, 2388. https://opencommons.Uconn.edu/dissertations/2388.