- Introduction to Gender Role Conflict (GRC) Program
- Overall Information about GRC- Books, Summaries, & History
- Gender Role Conflict Theory, Models, and Contexts
- Recently Published GRC Studies & Dissertations
- Published Journal Studies on GRC
- Dissertations Completed on GRC
- Symposia & Research Studies Presented at APA 1980-2015
- International Published Studies & Dissertations on GRC
- Diversity, Intersectionality, & Multicultural Published Studies
- Psychometrics of the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS)
- Factor Structure
- Confirmatory Factor Analyses
- Internal Consistency Reliability Data
- Internal Consistency & Reliability for 20 Diverse Samples
- Convergent & Divergent Validity of the GRCS Samples
- Normative Data on Diverse Men
- Classification of Dependent Variables & Constructs
- Authors, Samples & Measures with 200 GRC Guides
- Correlational, Moderators, and Mediator Variables Related to GRC
- GRC Research Hypotheses, Questions, and Contexts To be Explored
- Situational GRC Research Models
- 7 Research Questions/ Hypotheses on GRC & Empirical Evidence
- Important Cluster Categories of GRC Research References
- Research Models Assessing GRC and Hypotheses To Be Tested
- GRC Empirical Research Summary Publications
- Published Critiques of the GRCS & GRC Theory
- Clinically Focused Models, Journal Studies, Dissertations
- Psychoeducation Interventions with GRC
- Gender Role Journey Theory, Therapy, & Research
- Receiving Different Forms of the GRCS
- Receiving International Translations of the GRC
- Teaching the Psychology of Men Resource Webpage
- Video Lectures On The Gender Role Journey Curriculum & Additional Information
Published Critiques of Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS) and Gender Role Conflict Research Program
This file summarizes references on criticism of GRC and the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS). Twenty published critiques of GRC are listed. The references to these critiques and my commentary on them are found below.
Commentary on the Critiques of the GRC Theory and the GRCS
In this section, I provide my comments about the critiques and feedback that I have received.
Criticism, evaluation, and feedback are critical in understanding any new phenomena that has gone undefined and unexplored. I have encouraged critique because it is the best way to increase our understanding of GRC.
Mostly, I have appreciated the support of many colleagues in the psychology of men and other disciplines who worked diligently with the research and theory development. It has been a collaborative and generative process that I have enjoyed. I have appreciated the support from colleagues who believed that GRC was a reality in men’s lives. Additionally, SPSMM has been very supportive over the years sponsoring our annual symposia at the APA convention and giving GRC a home in the psychology of men.
GRC has been controversial and sometimes misunderstood. GRC was a new idea back in the late 1970s’ and so much of the early feedback was simply, reactionary and political. There was a fear that studying GRC would destroy the causes of Feminism and women’ liberation.
Most of the criticism has been helpful, but some of it has been misguided, uninformed, and competitive. I have responded to the criticism of GRC at APA conventions and in print (O’Neil, 2008; 2015; O’Neil & Denke, 2016) with more precise GRC definitions, conceptual models, and more elaborate research approaches.
Some critics have implied that the GRC models and research are simplistic and general; meaning not meeting sophificated research standards. For sure, the early GRC models were intentionally simple, so they could be first considered and understood. In this regard, “simple” was by design. Simplicity was necessary in the late 1970s’ given the resistance to these issues by men, some Feminists, and the status quo.
Like most visible measures, the construct validity of the GRCS has been evaluated. The consensus in the literature after many psychometric studies is that the GRCS has good construct validity with many different groups of men. Some very good suggestions to improve both the theory and the GRCS have been made in these critiques.
Other critiques have erroneously labeled GRC as a trait, when from its inception (O’Neil et al., 1986), it has been operationally defined as a psychological problem and situational dynamic that most men experience.
There have been definitional dilemmas with GRC. A lack of clarity has existed on how GRC is a different from masculinity ideology and conformity to masculine roles. Pleck (1995) stated that GRC is a co-factor of masculinity ideology and the research has shown this to be true. Moreover, GRC has been shown to be a distinct construct from masculinity ideology and conformity to masculine norms. For clarity, GRC focuses on psychological and behavioral conflict, not just masculine, ideological thinking or conformity to masculine and feminine norms.
Politically, GRC has been a triggering, polarizing concept and at times a divisive concept making it hard to gain rapid credibility (traction) in both psychology and the larger society. Nonetheless, GRC has continuously developed in psychology and other disciplines like student development, public health, nursing, medicine, and communication sciences.
In the early days, some Radical/Separatists Feminists erroneously equated the research program with justifying (i.e. condoning) men’s violence against women. The political climate then between men and women was very polarizing and politically charged because of widespread societal denial about men’s violence against women that Feminist were adamant about.
I remember saying to myself “We were not justifying men’s violence, but doing the opposite: documenting how restrictive gender roles contribute to men’s violence toward women so it could be prevented in the future”. GRC was difficult for many to understand because it was new, and not considered before. I moved past my defensiveness about some of the feedback and just listened, took notes, and accepted the criticism and confrontations as part of the research process and the promotion of social change.
In 1983, Playboy magazine ran a ridiculing, devaluing, defensive statement about GRC titled “So you think you got problems fella”. They made fun of my list of men’s GRC patterns published in The Counseling Psychologist. and verified that I was “poking at the patriarchy” by explaining GRC. This was more evidence that that GRC really did stimulate the patriarchy and status quo and therefore something for me to vigorously pursue.
There was considerable “push back” when I asked the question “Are men victims of sexism?” during a APA convention symposia in 1991 in San Francisco (Brooks, 1991 O’Neil, 1991). One of the discussants, a prominent Feminist in psychology, criticized my question and labeled it as polarizing and unfortunate. I was told to “back off” with my question about whether men were victim of sexism. Actually, I did not say that men were victims of sexism but only asked if it was a relevant question to have a feminist psychology of men.
Backing off from a critical question is something I rarely do and the notion of men as victim of sexism is still a relevant question for me.
Fortunately, over the years the victimizing effects of sexism and GRC in men’s lives has become more accepted. Now, gender role trauma strain (Pleck,1995) is recognized as a developing concept in the psychology of men. Studies on GRC and PTSD, trauma, and other oppressions provide some initial evidence that GRC does interact with men’s extreme stress and feeling discriminated against by others.
Another kind of critique was personal from other men in academia and in my social circle. There were jokes, insults, innuendo, homophobic reactions, and curiosity about what I was studying. Many of the men knew that my research was about them and I observed an uneasiness laced with defensiveness, homophobia, distain, and personal devaluation. These men did not like what I wrote, my advocacy for women or men, and sometimes my company. These men’s projected fear about GRC was directed at me but there was little comment on the actual ideas. These personal dynamics had to be processed and transformed into compassion for these men and positive action.
The diagram below depicts some of the limitations of the GRC research program and is discussed in the second introductory video lecture and in O’Neil (2015).
Addis, M.E., Mansfield, A. K., & Sydek, M.R. (2010). Is “masculinity” a problem: Framing the effect of gendered social learning in men. Psychology of men and Masculinity, 11, 77-90.
Beere, C.A. (1990). Gender roles: A handbook of tests and measures. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Betz, N.E. & Fitzgerald, L. (1993). Individuality and diversity: Theory and research in counseling psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 44, 343-381.
Enns, C.Z. (2008). Toward a complexity paradigm for understanding gender role conflict. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 446-454.
Enns, C. (2000). Gender issue in counseling. In S. Brown & R. Lent (Eds.) Handbook of Counseling Psychology (3 rd Edition). (pp. 601-638), New York, New York.
Good, G.E., Wallace, D.L. & Schuster, T.B. (1994). Masculinity research: A review and critique. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 3, 1.
Hammer, H.H., McDermott, R.C., Levant, R.F., McKelvey, D.K. (2018). Dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the Gender Role Conflict Scale – Short Form (GRCS-SF). Psychology of Men Masculinity, 19, 570-583.
Heppner, P.P. & Heppner, M.J. (2008). The gender role conflict literature: Fruits of sustained commitment. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 455-461.
Heppner, P.P. (1995). On gender role conflict in men: Future directions and implications for counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42, 20-23.
Jones, K. & Heesacker, M. (2012). Addressing the situation: Some evidence for the significance of microcontexts with the gender role conflict construct. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 13, 294-307.
Moradi, B., Tokar, D.M., Schaub, M., Jome, L.M., Sena, G.S. (2000). Revisiting the structural validity of the Gender Role Conflict. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 1, 62-69.
O'Beaglaoich, C., Sarma, K.M., & Morrison, T.G. (in press). New directions in gender role conflict eresearch. In J. Gelfer, (Ed.). Masculinities in a global era. New York: Springer.
O'Neil, J.M. (2008). Summarizing twenty-five years of research on men's gender role conflict using the Gender Role Conflict Scale: New research paradigms and clinical implications. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 358-445.
O'Neil, J.M. (2008). Complexity, contexualism, and multiculturalism: Responses to the critiques and future direction for the Gender Role Conflict Research Program. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 358-445.
O’Neil, J.M. (August, 2003) What does the Gender Role Conflict Scale really measure?: Setting the symposium setting. In J.M. & G.E Good (Chairs) Psychological and physical health correlates of gender role conflict. Symposium presented at the annual American Psychological Association convention, Toronto, Canada.
O'Neil, J.M., Good, G. E., Holmes, S. (1995). Fifteen years of theory and research on men's gender role conflict: New paradigms for empirical research. In R. Levant and W. Pollack (Eds.) The new psychology of men. New York: Basic Books.
Norwalk, K.E., Vandiver, B.J., White, A.M., Englar-Carlson , M. (2011). Factor structure of the Gender Role Conflict Scale in African American and European American men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 12, 128-143.
Rogers, J.R., Abbey-Hines, J., Rando, R.A.(1997). Confirmatory factor analysis of the gender role conflict scale: A cross-validation of Good et., 1995. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 30, 137-145.
Rogers, J.R., Rando, R.A., Bustos, L.M., & Vrable, M.A. (1997). The gender role conflict scale: Enhancing the interpretation of confirmatory factor analysis through follow-up exploratory factor procedures. ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. ED 248448.
Smiler, A. P. (2004). Thirty years after the discovery of gender: Psychological concept and
measures of masculinity. Sex Roles, 50, 15-26.
Thompson, E.H,., Pleck, J.H. & Ferrera, D.L. (1992). Men and masculinity: Scales for masculinity ideology and masculinity-related constructs. Sex Roles, 27, 11/12, 573-607.
Thompson, E.H. & Pleck, J.H. (1995). Masculinity ideologies: A review of research instrumentation on men and masculinities. In R. Levant and W. Pollack (Eds.) A new psychology of men. New York: Basic Books.
Wester, S. R. (2008). Male gender role conflict and multiculturalism: Implications for counseling
psychology. The Counseling Psychologist. 35, 294-324.
Wester, S.R. (2008). Thinking complexly about men, gender role conflict, and Counseling Psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 462-468.
Walker, D.F. Tokar, D.M. & Fischer, A.R. (2000). What are eight popular masculinity-related instruments measuring? Underlying dimensions and their relations to sociosexuality. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 1, 98-1-8.