Published Journal Articles 1984 -2025

All the published journal studies (n=263) using the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS) are presented in this file. These publications appear in over 50 different journals in psychology, men’s studies, public health, nursing, medicine, communication sciences, and other disciplines. The references are useful to researchers or clinicians conducting critical literature reviews, seeking documentation on GRC, or needing empirical evidence that GRC has been associated with negative psychological consequences for men and women. Many of these publications are also indexed in the web page section “Important Clusters/Categories of GRC Research References”.

Below are all the published studies that have used the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS). Also see the cluster/categories of studies for direct information on specific topics that have been studied.

Adams, D.F. & Egisdottir, S. (2015). The relationship between gender role conflict and psychological help-seeking: The role of maladaptive coping. The Practitioner Scholar: Journal of Counseling and Professional Psychology. 4, 63-80.

Alt, M., Lewis, A.M., Lui, W.M., Vilain, E., Sanchez, F.J. (2014). On the validity of popular masculinity rating scales with gay men. Arch Sex Behavior, 43, 1547-1557.

Amato, F. & MacDonald, J. (2011). Examining risk factors for homeless men: Gender role conflict, help seeking, substance abuse, and violence. Journal of Men’s Studies, 19,  227-

Amato, F.J. (2012). The relationship of violence to gender role conflict and conformity to masculine norms in a forensic sampe. Journal of Men’s Studies, 20, 187-2078.

Arellano- Morales, L. Liang, C.T., Ruiz, L., & Rios-Oropeza, E. (2016). Perceived racism, gender role conflict, and life satisfaction among Latino day laborers. Journal of Latino Psychology, 4, 32-42.

Baker, K.L., Robertson, N., & Connelly, D. (2010). Men caring for wives or partners with dimentia: Masculinity, strain , and gain. Aging and Mental Health, 14, 319-327.

Bates, S.G., Barnett, R.V., Brennan, M.A. & Israel, G.D. (2010). The effects of gender role conflict on adolescent and emerging adults male resiliency. Journal of Men’s Studies, 17.

Beatty, A., Syzdek, M., Bakkum, A. (2006). The Saint John’s experience project: Challenging men’s perception of normative gender role conflict. Journal of Men’s Studies, 14, 322-336.

Bell, A.S., Rajendram, D., & Theiler, S. (2012). Job stress, well-being, work-life balance and work-life conflict among Australian academics. Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology, 8, 25-37.

Berger, J.M., Levant, R.F., McMillan, K.K., Kelleher, W., Sellers, A. (2005). Impact of gender role conflict, traditional masculinity ideology, alexithymia, and age on men’s attitudes toward psychological help seeking. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 6, 73-78.

Berke, D.S., Wilson, L., Mouilso, E., Speir, Z., & Zeichner, A. (2015). Isolating the gendered component of men’s physical aggression. Sex Roles, 72, 509-520.

Bingham, T.A., Harawa, N.T., Williams, J.K., (2013). Gender role conflict among African American men who have sex with men and women: Associations with mental health and sexual risk and disclosure behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 103, 127-133.

Birthistle, I. (1999). Male gender role conflict, coping skills, and hopelessness. Eisteach, Irish Association for Counselling and Therapy, Summer, 2-8.

Blashill, A. J. & Vanderwal, J.S. (2009). Mediation of gender role conflict and eating pathology in gay men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 204-217.

Blashill, A.J. & Hughes, H.H. (2009) Gender role and gender role conflict: Preliminary considerations for psychotherapy with gay men. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, 13, 170-186.

Blazina, C. & Jackson, S. (2009). Assessing for a pluralistic sense of masculinity: The Masculinity Across Role Scale (MARS), the Gender Role Conflict Scale – Adolescent (GRCS-A), and boy’s scores of depression. In J.H. Urlich & B.T. Cosell (Eds.) Handbook of Gender Roles. Orlando, FL.: Nova Science Publishers.

Blazina, C. & Marks, I. (2001). College men’s affective reactions to individual therapy, psychoeducation workshops, and men’s support group brochures: The influence of gender role conflict and power dynamics upon help seeking attitudes. Psychotherapy, 38, 297-305.

Blazina, C. & O’Neil, J. M. (2010). Gender role conflict. In R. J. R. Levesque (Ed.) Encyclopedia  of Adolescence,  (pp. 77-82), New York, New York: Springer .

Blazina, C. & Watkins, C.E. (1996). Masculine gender role conflict: Effects on college men’s psychological well-being, chemical substance usage, and attitudes toward help- seeking, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 461-465.

Blazina, C. & Watkins, C.E. (2000). Separation/individuation, parental attachment, and male gender conflict: Attitudes toward the feminine and the fragile masculine self. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 1, 126-132.

Blazina, C., Cordova, M., Pisecco, S., Settle, A. (2007). Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Correlates with masculine ideology, Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies, 1, 191-204.

Blazina, C., Pisecco, S., & O’Neil, J.M. (2005) An adaptation of the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents: Psychometric issues and correlates with psychological distress. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 6, 39-45.

Blazina, C., Settle, A.G. & Eddins, R. (2008). Gender role conflict and separation individuation difficulties: Their impact on college men’s loneliness. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 16, 69-81.

Boghokian, T., Cruz, N., Hickman, S.J., LaFollette, J.R.,  Shea, M. & Wong, Y.J. (2011). The inventory of subjective masculinity experiences” Development and psychometric propereties. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 19, 236-

Bouroughs, M. & Thompson, J.K. (2014).Correlates of body depilation: An exploratory study into the health implications of body hair reduction and removal among college-aged men. American Journal of Men’s Health, 8, 217-223.

Brahmana, K.M., Suryanto, S., Suyanto, B. (2019). Gender role conflict model of pastors’ husbands at Batak Karo Protestant Church, Interpersona, 13, 127-143.

Breiding, M. J. (2004) Observed hostility and observe dominance as mediators of the relationship between husbands’ gender role conflict and wife outcomes. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51, 429-436.

Breiding, M., Windle, C.R. & Smith, D.A. (2008). Interspousal criticism: A behavioral mediator between husband’s gender role conflict and wife’s adjustment. Sex Roles, 59, 880-888.

Brooks-Harris, J.E., Heesacker, M., Mejia-Millan, C. (1996). Changing men’s male gender-role attitudes by applying the elaboration likelihood model of attitude change. Sex Roles, 35, 563-580.

Bruch, M.A. (2002). Shyness and toughness: Unique and moderated relations with men_s emotional inexpressiveness. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49, 28-34.

Bruch, M.A., Berko, E.H., Haase, R.F. (1998). Shyness, masculine ideology, physical attractiveness, and emotional inexpressiveness: Testing a mediational model of men’s interpersonal competence. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45, 84-97.

Burkley, M., Wong, Y.J., Bell, A.C. (2016). The Masculinity Contingency Scale (MCS): Scale development and psychometric properties. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 17, 113-125.

Calton, J.M. Heesacker, M., Perrin, P.B. (2014). The elusiveness of progressive masculinity: Gender differences in conceptualization of nontraditional gender roles. Journal of Gender and Power, 2, XXXXXX.

Campbell, J.L., & Snow, B.M. (1992). Gender role conflict and family environment as predictors of men’s marital satisfaction. Journal of Family Psychology, 6, 84- 87.

Carter, R.T., Williams, B., & Juby, H. L. (2005). Racial identity as mediator of the relationship between gender role conflict and severity of psychological symptoms in Black, Latino, and Asian men. Sex roles, 53, 473-486.

Chamykarpour, M.N., Pourshahbus, A., Dolatshahi, B., Moshtagh, N. (2012).  Psychometric properties of the Persian  version of the Gender Role conflict Scale (GRCS). Knowledge & Research in Applied Psychology. 13, (Continuous No. 47).

Chan, R.K. & Hayashi, K. (2010). Gender roles  and help-seeking behavior and promoting help among Japanese men. Journal of Social Work, 10, 243-362.

Choi, H., Kim, B., & Kim, J. (2005). Men’s extroversion, neuroticism, gender role, gender role conflict, and subjective well-being. The Korean Journal of Counseling, 6, 61-73.

Choi, H., Kim, J., Hwang, M., & Heppner, M.J. (2010). Self esteem as a mediator between instrumentality, gender role conflict, and depression in  male Korean high school studetns. Sex Roles, 63, 361-372.

Choi, H., Kim, J., Hwang, M., & Heppner, M.J. (2010). Self esteem as a mediator between instrumentality, gender role conflict, and depression in  male Korean high school studetns. Sex Roles, 63, 361-372.

Choi, N., Herdman, K.,Fuqua, D.R., Newman, J.L. (2011). Gender  role conflict and gender role orientation in a sample of gay men. The Journal of Psychology, 145, 507-519.

Chung-Hee, W. & Seung-Yeon, Y. (2021). The effects of the gender sensitivity, the gender role conflict on nursing professionals  in nursing students. The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education, 22, 41-54.

Closson, K., Hatcher, A., Sikweyiya, Y., Washington, L. Mkhwanazi, S., Jewkes, R., Dunkel, K., & Gibbs, A. (2020).Gender role conflict and sexual health and relationship practices amongst young men living in urban informal settlements in South Africa. Culture, Health, and Sexuality. DOI 10, 1080/13691058.2019. 1568578.

Cohn, A. & Zeichner, A. (2006). Effects of masculine identity and gender role stress on aggression in men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 179-190.

Cohn, A.M. Seibert, L.A., Ziechner, A. (2009). The role of restrictive emotionality, trait anger, and masculinity threat in men’s perpetration of physical aggression. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 218-224.

Cohn, A.M., Jakupcak, M., Seibert, L.A., Hildebrandt, T.B., & Zeicher, A. (2001). The role of emotion dysregulation in the association between men’s restrictive emotionality and use of physical aggression. Psychology of Men and masculinity, 11, 53-64.

Cohn, A.M., Zeichner, A., & Seibert, L.A. (2008). Labile affect as a risk factor for aggressive behavior in men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 9, 29-39.

Cole, B.P. & Ingram, P.B. (2019).  Where do I turn for help? Gender role conflict, self-stigma, and college men’s help of seeking for depression. Psychology of Men and Masculinities,

Cole, B.P., Baglieri, M., Ploharz, S., Brennan, M., Terns, M., Patterson, T., Kuznia, A. (2019). What’s right with Men?: Gender role socialization and men’s positive functioning. American Journal of men’s Health. 13 (1): 1557988318806074.

Coleman, A., O’Neil, J.M., Caldwell, C.H., Ferris, A.M. (2019). Black fathers matter: The role of paternal closeness on adolescent male obesity. Psychology of Men  and  Masculinities, 20, 174-181. http://dxdoi/org/10.1037//men0000183.

Coleman, A., O’Neil, J.M., Ferris, A.M. (2019). The mediation effect between everyday discrimination, gender role conflict, emotional eating, and obesity in African American fathers and sons. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 20, 182-193.  Http//

Cournoyer, R.J. & Mahalik, J.R. (1995). A cross- sectional study of gender role conflict examining college- aged and middle-aged men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42, 11-19.

Courtenay, W.H. & McCreary, D.R. (2011) Masculinity and gender role conflict: How they influence the likiehood that men will engage in multipe high-risk behaviors. In W. H. Courtenay Dying to be men: Psychosocial environmental and biobehavioral directions in promoting the health of men. New York: Routledge.

Cusack, J., Deane, F.P., Wilson, C.J., & Ciarrochi, J. (2006). Emotional expression, perceptions of therapy, and help seeking intentions in men attending therapy services. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 69-82.

Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). Gender Role Conflict, Gay Identity, Relationship Love Types and Relationship Satisfaction in Greek Gay Men: A Path Model. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 10608265231177432.

Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023, ). Psychometric properties of the Gender Role Conflict – Short form (GRC-SF) in straight and gay Greek men. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships.

Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). A pilot study testing a new visual stimuli database for probing men’s Gender Role Conflict: GRASP (Gender Role Affective Stimuli Pool). Journal of Homosexuality. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2022.2104147

Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). The bigger picture: The effect of context on Gender Role Conflict. Psychological Reports

Davids, C.M., Watson, L.B., Gere, M.P. (2019). Objectification, masculinity, and muscularity: A test of objectification theory with heterosexual men. Sex Roles, 80, 443-457.

Davis, J.M., & Liang, C.T.H. (2015). A test of the mediating role of gender role conflict Latino masculinities and help-seeking attitudes. Psychology of men and masculinity, 16, 23-32.

Davis, T. L. & Liddell, D.L. (2002). Getting inside the house: The effectiveness of a rape prevention program for college fraternity men. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 35-50.

Davis, T. L. (2002). Voices of gender role conflict: The social construction of college men’s identity. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 508-521.

de Visser, R. (2009). Young men, masculinity, and alcohol. In A. Broom & P. Tovey (Eds.) Men’s health: Body, identity, and social context. New York: Wiley

Defranc, W. & Mahalik, J.R. (2002). Masculine gender role conflict and stress in relation to parental attachment and separation. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 3, 51-60.

Del Pino, H.E. Steers, W.N., Lee, M., McCullen, J., Hays, R.D. Harawa, N.T. (2021).  Measuring gender  role conflict, internalized stigma, and racial and sexual  identity in behaviorally bisexual Black men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, http://link. citeas.

Dodson, T.A. & Borders, L.D. (2006). Men in traditional and nontraditional careers: Gender role attitudes, gender role conflict, and job satisfaction. Career Development Quarterly, 54, 283-296.

Driver, R. , Cortopassi, A.C., El-Krab, R., Eaton, L.A., Kalichman, S.C. (2022). Examining stigmatizing beliefs about  PREP use Black sexual minority men: A test of  explanatory mechanisms. Psychology of Men and Masculinities. 23, 1, 26-34.

Eggenberger, L., Komlrnac, N., Ehlert, U., Grub, J., Walther, A. (2022). Association between psychotherapy use, sexual orientation, and traditional masculinity among psychologically distressed men . Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 23, 384-398.

Eimer, A. & Kidd, J.M. (2010). Understanding men’s underutilisation of career counseling using gender  role conflict  theory. Career Service Papers, csp, 8/10, 19-31.

Fischer, A. R. (2007). Parental relationships quality and masculine gender role strain in young men: Mediating effects of personality, The Counseling Psychologist, 35, 328-358.

Fischer, A.R. & Good, G.E.. (1997). Men and psychotherapy: An investigation of alexithymia, intimacy, and masculine gender roles. Psychotherapy, 34, 160-170.

Fischer, A.R. & Good, G.E.. (1998). Perceptions of parent-child relationships and masculine role conflicts of college men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45, 346-352.

Fleming, P., Barrington, C., Powell, W., Gottert, A., Lerebours, L., Donastrog, Y., Brito, M.O. (2016). The association between men’s concerns about demonstrating masculine characteristics and their sexual risk behaviors: Findings form the Dominican Republic. Archives of Sexual Behavior. DIO 10.1007/S 10508-016-0880-6.

Fleming, P., Barrington, C., Powell, W., Gottert, A., Lerebours, L., Donastrog, Y., Brito, M.O. (2016). The association between men’s concerns about demonstrating masculine characteristics and their sexual risk behaviors: Findings form the Dominican Republic. Archives of Sexual Behavior. DIO 10.1007/S 10508-016-0880-6.

Fleming, P.G., Barrington, C., Owell, W., Gottert, A., Lerebours, L., Donastorg, Y., Brito, M.O. (2018). The association between men’s concerns about demonstrating masculine characteristics and their sexual risk behaviors: Findings from the Dominican Republic. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47,  507-515.

Fragoso, J.M. & Kashubeck, S. (2000). Machismo, gender role conflict, and mental health in Mexican American men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 1, 87-97.

Galligan, S.B., Barnett, R.V., Brennan, M.A., Israel, G.D. (2010). The effects of gender role conflict on adolescent and emerging adult male resiliency. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 18, 3-21.

Garcia-Sanchez, R., Almendros, C., Gamez-Guadix, M., Martin, M.J., Aramayona, B., & Martinez, J.M. (2018). Assessment of conflicts associated with a traditional masculine gender role in Spanish college men and women. Sex Roles, 78: 81-93 DOI 10.1007/s11199-017-0765-8.

Gilbar, O., Wester, S.R., & Ben-Porat, A. (2021). The effects of gender role conflict restricted emotionality on the association between exposure to trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder, and intimate partner violence severity. Psychology of Men and masculinities, 22, 88-100.

Glombs, S.M. & Espelage, D.L. (2005). The influence of restrictive emotionality in men’s emotional appraisal of sexual harassment: A gender role interpretation. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.

Good, G.E. & Mintz, L.M. (1990). Gender role conflict and depression in college men: Evidence for compounded risk. Journal of Counseling and Development, 69, 17-20.

Good, G.E., & Wood, P.K. (1995). Male gender role conflict, depression, and help seeking: Do college men face double jeopardy? Journal of Counseling and Development, 74, 70-75.

Good, G.E., Dell, D.M., & Mintz, L.B. (1989). Male role and gender role conflict: Relations to help seeking in men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 36, 295-300.

Good, G.E., Robertson, J.M., Fitzgerald, L.F., Stevens, M. & Bartels, K.M. (1996). The relation between masculine role conflict and psychological distress in male university counseling center clients. Journal of Counseling and Development, 75, 44-49.

Good, G.E., Robertson, J.M., O’Neil, J.M., Fitzgerald, L.F., Stevens, M., DeBord, K., Bartels, K.M., & Braverman, D.G. (1995). Male gender role conflict: Psychometric issues and relations to psychological distress. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42, 3-10.

Good, G.E., Schoop, L.H., Thomson, D., Hathaway, S.L., Mazurek, M.O., & Sanford-Materns, T.C. (2008). Men with serious injuries relations among masculinity, age, and alcohol use. Rehabititation Psychology, 53, 39-45.

Good, G.E., Schopp, L.H., Thomson, D., Hathaway, S., Muzurek, M., Mintz, L.B., Sanford-Martens, T.C. (2006). Masculine roles and rehabilitation outcomes among men recovering from serious injuries. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 165-176.

Gottert, A., Barrington, C., Pettifor, A., McNaughton-Reyes, Maman, S., MacPhail, C., Kahn, K., Seling, A., Twine, R. & Lippman, S.A. (2016). Measuring men’s gender norms and gender role conflicts/ stress in a high HIV- prevalence south African setting. AIDS Behaviors, 20, 1785-1795.

Graef, S.T., Tokar, D.M. & Kaut, K.P. (2010). Relations of masculinity ideology, conformity to masculine norms, and gender role conflict to men’s attitudes toward and willingness to seek career counseling. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 11, 319-333.

Granato¸S.L., Smith, P.N., & Selwyn, C.N. (2015). Acquired capability and masculine gender norms adherence: Predicting pathways to higher rates of male suicide. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 16, 246-53.

Groeschel, B.L. Wester, S.R., & Sedivy, S.K. (2010). Gender role conflict, alcohol, and help seeking among college men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 11, 123-139.

Guvensel, K., Dixon, A. Chang, C. &Dew, B. (2018). The relationship between among gender role conflict,normative male alexithymia, men’s friendship discords with other men and psychological well-being. Journal of Men’s Studies, 26, 56-76.

Hall, J.A. (2010). An exploratory study of communication, gender- role conflict, and social support of parents of children treated at Children’s hospital. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28, 511-525.

Hammer, H.H., McDermott, R.C., Levant, R.F., McKelvey, D.K. (2018). Dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the Gender Role Conflict Scale – Short Form (GRCS-SF). Psychology of Men Masculinity, 19, 570-583.

Hayahsi, S. (1999). Masculinity and mental health: The relationship between men’s attitudes toward male gender roles amd mental health indices: anxiety, depression, affect regulation, and self esteem. JASS (the Japanese Assembly for the Study of Sex) Proceedings, 11, 2-11.

Hayes, J.A. & Mahalik, J.R. (2000). Gender role conflict and psychological distress in male counseling center clients. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 2, 116-125.

Heath, L.A. & Thomas, T. (2006). An intergenerational examination of male gender role conflict and psychological distress. Australian Journal of Psychology, 58, 144-144, Suppl. S.

Heath, P. J. Seidman, A. J., Vogel, D.L., Cornish, M.A., Wade, N.G. (2017). Help seeking stigma among men in the military: The interaction of restrictive emotionality and distress. Psychology of men and Masculinity, 18, 193-197.

Heesacker, M., Wester, S.R., Vogel, D.C., Wentzel, J.T., Mejia-Millan, C.M. & Goodholm, C.R. (1999). Gender-based emotional stereotyping. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 483-495.

Herdman, K.J., Choi, N., Fuqua, D. R. & Newmans, J.L. (2012). Gender role conflict: Validation for a sample of gay men and lesbian women. Psychological Reports, 110, 227-232.

Hill, M.S. & Fischer, A.R. (2001). Does entitlement mediate the link between masculinity and rape-related variables? Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48, 39-50.

Hill, W.G.& Donatelle, R.J. (2005). The impact of gender role conflict on multidimensional social support in older men. International Journal of Men’s Health, 4, 267-276.

Hobza, C.L. & Rochlen, A.B. (2009). Gender role conflict, drive for muscularity, and the impact of ideal media portrayals on men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 120-130.

Houle, J., Mishara, B.L., Chagnon, F. (2009). An empirical test of a mediational model of impact of the traditional male gender role on suicidal behavior in men. Journal of Affective Disorders.107, 37-43.

Hoyt, M.A. (2009) Gender role conflict and emotional approach coping in men with cancer. Psychology & Health. 24, 981-996.

Jacobson, C.M.,  Marrocco, F., Kleinman, M., Gould, M.S. (2011). Restrictive emotionality, depressive symptoms, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among high school students. Journal of Youth Adolescence, 40, 656-665.

Jakupcak, M., Lisak, D. Roemer, L. (2002). The role of masculine ideology and masculine gender role stress in men_s perpetration of relationship violence. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 3, 97-106.

Jome, L.M. & Tokar, D.M. (1997). Dimensions of masculinity and major choice traditionality. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 51.

Jones, K. & Heesacker, M. (2012). Addressing the situation: Some evidence for the significance of  microcontexts wiht the gender role conflict construct. Psychology of Men and Masculinity,13, 294-307.

Jurkovic, D., & Walker, G. (2006). Examining masculine gender role conflict and stress in relation to religious orientation and spiritual well-being in Australian men. Journal of Men’s Studies, 14, 27-46.

Karten, E.Y. & Wade, J.C. (2010). Sexual orientation change efforts in men: A client perspective. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 18, 84-102.

Kassing, L.R., Beesley, D., Frey, L.L. (2005). Gender role conflict, homophobia, age, education, as predictors of male rape myth acceptance. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 27, 311-328.

Kaya, A., Iwamoto, D.K., Brady, J., Clinton, L., & Grivel, M. (2019). The role of masculine norms and gender role conflict on prospective well-being among men JOURNAL.   ?????  20, 142-147.

Kearny, L.K., Rochlen, A. B., & King, E.B. (2004) Male gender role conflict, sexual harassment tolerance, and efficacy of a psychoeducative training program. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 5, 72-82.

Khattak, M. K. & Iman, A.M. (2017). Gender role conflict: Analysis of its causes and psychosocial impact on females. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 1, 139-152.

Kierski, W. & Blazina, C. (2009). The male fear of femininity and its effect on counseling and psychotherapy. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 17, 155-172. .

Kim, E.J., O’Neil, J.M., & Owen, S.V. (1996). Asian- American men’s acculturation and gender role conflict. Psychological Reports, 79, 95-104.

Kim, J. (2003). Gender roles, gender role conflict, career indecision, vocational identity of Korean college students in female-dominant majors. The Korean Journal of Career Education Research, 16, 311-324.

Kim, J., Hwang, M., Ryu, J. (2003). The cultural validation of the Korean version of GRCS (K-GRCS). Asian Journal of Education, 4, 25-41.

Kim, J., Hwang, O., & Choi, H. (2005). Middle-aged men’s gender role, gender role conflict, and marital satisfaction. The Korean Journal of Counseling, 6, 621-632.

Klann, E.M., Wong, Y.J., & Rydell, R.J. (2018). Firm father figure: A moderated mediation model of perceived authoritarianism and intergenerational transmission of gender messages from father to son. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65, 500-511.

Komenac, N., Siller, H., Bliem, H.R. & Hochleitner, M. (2018). Association between gender role conflict, sexual dysfunction and male patients’ wishes for physician-patient conversations about sexual health. Psychology of Men and Masculinity http://dx.doi org/10.1037/men0000162.

Komenac, N., Siller, H., Bliem, H.R. & Hochleitner, M. (2018). Validation of the internal structure of a German-language version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale- Short Form. Frontier in Psychology, 9, 1161-  ??? doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01161.

Komlenac, N. & Hochleitner, M. (2022). Internal structure and invariance analysis across gender of the common-language version of the Male Role Norm Inventory-Short Form. Psychology of Men and Masculinities, 23, 86-98.

Komlenac ,  N., & Hochleitner, M. (2019). Male medical students’ gender role conflict is associated with discomfort with dealing with patients’ sexual health issues. The Journal of Sex Research, 1-7.

Komlenas, N.,  Siller, H., Hochleitner, M., (2020). Austrian male patients’ gender role conflict is associated with their wish for interpersonal violence to be addressed during patient-physician conversations. BMC Public Health, 20, 1305.

Korcuska, J.S. & Thombs, D.L. (2003). Gender role conflict and sex-specific drinking norms: Relationship to alcohol use in undergraduate women and men. Journal of College Student Development, 44, 204-216.

Land, L.N., Rochlen, A.B., & Vaugh, B.K. (2011). Correlates of adult attachment avoidance: Men’s avoidance of intimcay in romantic relationships. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 12, 64-74.

Larranaga, E., Yubero, S., Ovejero, A., & Navarro, R. (2013). Validation of the Spanish version Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents (GRCS-A). Anales de Psicologia, 29, 549-557.

Lease, S.H., Ciftci, A., Demir, A., & Boyraz, G. (2009). Structural validity of Turkish version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale and Male Role Norms Scale. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 273-287

Le, T.P. & Iwamoto, D.K. (2022). Racial discrimination, gender role conflict, and depression in college men of color: A longitudinal test of racist-gender stress  model. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. 23, 4-12.

Levant, R.F., Good, G.E., Cook, S.W., O’Neil, J.M., Smalley, K.B., Owen, K., & Richmond, K. (2006). The normative male alexithymia scale: Measurement of a gender-linked syndrome. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 212-224.

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