- Introduction to Gender Role Conflict (GRC) Program
- Overall Information about GRC- Books, Summaries, & History
- Gender Role Conflict Theory, Models, and Contexts
- Recently Published GRC Studies & Dissertations
- Published Journal Studies on GRC
- Dissertations Completed on GRC
- Symposia & Research Studies Presented at APA 1980-2015
- International Published Studies & Dissertations on GRC
- Diversity, Intersectionality, & Multicultural Published Studies
- Psychometrics of the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS)
- Factor Structure
- Confirmatory Factor Analyses
- Internal Consistency Reliability Data
- Internal Consistency & Reliability for 20 Diverse Samples
- Convergent & Divergent Validity of the GRCS Samples
- Normative Data on Diverse Men
- Classification of Dependent Variables & Constructs
- Authors, Samples & Measures with 200 GRC Guides
- Correlational, Moderators, and Mediator Variables Related to GRC
- GRC Research Hypotheses, Questions, and Contexts To be Explored
- Situational GRC Research Models
- 7 Research Questions/ Hypotheses on GRC & Empirical Evidence
- Important Cluster Categories of GRC Research References
- Research Models Assessing GRC and Hypotheses To Be Tested
- GRC Empirical Research Summary Publications
- Published Critiques of the GRCS & GRC Theory
- Clinically Focused Models, Journal Studies, Dissertations
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- Receiving Different Forms of the GRCS
- Receiving International Translations of the GRC
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International Studies Using the Gender Role Conflict Scale
This file lists the 130 international studies that have used the GRCS. International studies on GRC have been completed in 32 countries and the GRCS has been translated into 15 foreign languages.
The international publications on GRC and the translations of the GRCS into different languages are useful to researchers internationally and those wanting to make cross cultural comparisons with GRC.
In 2011, I gave a invited address at the international conference “Future Perspectives on Intervention, Policy, and Research on Men and Masculinities” in Quebec City, Canada titled Twenty-five Years of Gender Role Conflict Research: A Thematic and Empirical Summary. This convention presentation addressed the status of GRC research internationally in 2011 and the 59 GRC studies in 20 different countries were summarized. You can view the presentation slides in the drop down below.
The number of studies has doubled since 2011 and the updated list of international research studies is found in this file.
Baker, K.L., Robertson, N., & Connelly, D. (2010). Men caring for wives or partners with dimentia: Masculinity, strain , and gain. Aging and Mental Health, 14, 319-327.
Birthistle, I. (1999). Male gender role conflict, coping skills, and hopelessness. Eisteach, Irish Association for Counselling and Therapy, Summer, 2-8.
Brahmana, K.M., Suryanto, S., Suyanto, B. (2019). Gender role conflict model of pastors’ husbands at Batak Karo Protestant Church, Interpersona, 13, 127-143
Chamykarpour, M.N., Pourshahbus, A., Dolatshahi, B., Moshtagh, N. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Gender Role conflict Scale (GRCS). Knowledge & Research in Applied Psychology. 13, (Continuous No. 47).
Chan, R.K. & Hayashi, K.. (2010). Gender roles and help-seeking behavior and promoting help among Japanese men. Journal of Social Work, 10, 243-362.
Choi, H., Kim, J., Hwang, M., & Heppner, M.J. (2010). Self esteem as a mediator between instrumentality, gender role conflict, and depression in male Korean high school studetns. Sex Roles, 63, 361-372.
Choi, H., Kim, B., & Kim, J. (2005). Men's extroversion, neuroticism, gender role, gender role conflict, and subjective well-being. The Korean Journal of Counseling, 6, 61-73.
Chung-Hee, W. & Seung-Yeon, Y. (2021). The effects of the gender sensitivity, the gender role conflict on nursing professionals in nursing students. The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education, 22, 41-54.
Closson, K., Hatcher, A., Sikweyiya, Y., Washington, L. Mkhwanazi, S., Jewkes, R., Dunkel, K., & Gibbs, A. (2020).Gender role conflict and sexual health and relationship practices amongst young men living in urban informal settlements in South Africa. Culture, Health, and Sexuality. DOI 10, 1080/13691058.2019. 1568578h Education, 22, 41-54
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). Gender Role Conflict, Gay Identity, Relationship Love Types and Relationship Satisfaction in Greek Gay Men: A Path Model. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 10608265231177432. https://doi.org/10.1177/10608265231177432.
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Gender Role Conflict – Short form (GRC-SF) in straight and gay Greek men. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships.
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2022). A pilot study testing a new visual stimuli database for probing men’s Gender Role Conflict: GRASP (Gender Role Affective Stimuli Pool). Journal of Homosexuality. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2022.2104147
Daoultzis, K. C., & Kordoutis, P. (2022). The bigger picture: The effect of context on Gender Role Conflict. Psychological Reports
de Visser, R. (2009). Young men, masculinity, and alcohol. In A. Broom & P. Tovey (Eds.) Men's health: Body, identity, and social context. New York: Wiley
Dubravko, J. & Walker, G.A. (2006). Examining masculine gender-role conflict and stress in relation to religious orientation and spiritual well-being in Australian men. The Journal of Men's Studies, 14, 27-46.
Eimer, A. & Kidd, J.M. (2010). Understanding men's underutilisation of career counseling using gender role conflict theory. Career Service Papers, csp, 8/10, 19-31.
Fleming, P., Barrington, C., Powell, W., Gottert, A., Lerebours, L., Donastrog, Y., Brito, M.O. (2016). The association between men’s concerns about demonstrating masculine characteristics and their sexual risk behaviors: Findings form the Dominican Republic. Archives of Sexual Behavior. DIO 10.1007/S 10508-016-0880-6.
Garcia-Sanchez, R., Almendros, C., Gamez-Guadix, M., Martin, M.J., Aramayona, B., & Martinez, J.M. (2018). Assessment of conflicts associated with a traditional masculine gender role in Spanish college men and women. Sex Roles, 78: 81-93 DOI 10.1007/s11199-017-0765-8.
Gottert, A., Barrington, C., Pettifor, A., McNaughton-Reyes, Maman, S., MacPhail, C., Kahn, K., Seling, A., Twine, R. & Lippman, S.A. (2016). Measuring men’s gender norms and gender role conflicts/ stress in a high HIV- prevalence south African setting. AIDS Behaviors, 20, 1785-1795.
Hayahsi, S. (1999). Masculinity and mental health: The relationship between men's attitudes toward male gender roles amd mental health indices: anxiety, depression, affect regulation, and self esteem. JASS (the Japanese Assembly for the Study of Sex) Proceedings, 11, 2-11.
Heath, L.A. & Thomas, T. (2006). An intergenerational examination of male gender role conflict and psychological distress. Australian Journal of Psychology, 58, 144-144, Suppl. S.
Houle, J., Mishara, B.L., Chagnon, F. (2009). An empirical test of a mediational model of impact of the traditional male gender role on suicidal behavior in men. Journal of Affective Disorders.107, 37-43.
Jurkovic, D., & Walker, G. (2006). Examining masculine gender role conflict and stress in relation to religious orientation and spiritual well-being in Australian men. Journal of Men's Studies, 14, 27-46.
Kim, J. (2003). Gender roles, gender role conflict, career indecision, vocational identity of Korean college students in female-dominant majors. The Korean Journal of Career Education Research, 16, 311-324.
Kim, J., Hwang, O., & Choi, H. (2005). Middle-aged men's gender role, gender role conflict, and marital satisfaction. The Korean Journal of Counseling, 6, 621-632.
Kim, J., Hwang, M., Ryu, J. (2003). The cultural validation of the Korean version of GRCS (K-GRCS). Asian Journal of Education, 4, 25-41.
Khattak, M. K. & Iman, A.M. (2017). Gender role conflict: Analysis of its causes and psychosocial impact on females. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 1, 139-152.
Komenac, N., Siller, H., Bliem, H.R. & Hochleitner, M. (2018). Association between gender role conflict, sexual dysfunction and male patients’ wishes for physician-patient conversations about sexual health. Psychology of Men and Masculinity http://dx.doi org/10.1037/men0000162.
Komenac, N., Siller, H., Bliem, H.R. & Hochleitner, M. (2018). Validation of the internal structure of a German-language version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale- Short Form. Frontier in Psychology, 9, 1161- ??? doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01161.
Komlenac , N., & Hochleitner, M. (2019). Male medical students’ gender role conflict is associated with discomfort with dealing with patients’ sexual health issues. The Journal of Sex Research, 1-7. http://doi.org/10.1080/00224499-2019.
Komlenas, N., Siller, H., Hochleitner, M., (2020). Austrian male patients’ gender role conflict is associated with their wish for interpersonal violence to be addressed during patient-physician conversations. BMC Public Health, 20, 1305.
Larranaga, E., Yubero, S., Ovejero, A., & Navarro, R. (2013). Validation of the Spanish version Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents (GRCS-A). Anales de Psicologia, 29, 549-557.
Lease, S.H., Ciftci, A., Demir, A., & Boyraz, G. (2009). Structural validity of Turkish version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale and Male Role Norms Scale. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 273-287.
Luis, C., Canavarro, M.C. & Fonseca, A. (2019). Men’s intention to recommend professional help-seeking to their parents in the post partum period: The direct and indirect effects of gender role conflict. International Journal of Environmental Health and Public Health. 16, 4002; doi: 10.3390/ijerph 16204002.
Lukacs, L. & Tury, F. (2008). Gender role conflict and depression in males- the possible role of athletic ideal. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2, 39-47.
Mansor. N.Z., Othman, Z., Yasin, M., Husain, M., Yaacob, M.J. (2014). Gender role conflict among Malay adolescent boys. International Medicine Journal, 21, 528-530.
Mendoza, J. & Cummings, A.L. (2001). Help seeking and male gender role conflict in male batterers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 833-840.
Monk, D. & Ricciardelli, L.A. (2003) Three dimensions of the male gender roles as correlates of alcohol and cannabis involvement in young Austrailian men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 4, 57-69.
Nagai, S. (2022). Does male gender role conflict inhibit help-seeking. Japanese Psychological Research. Doi: 10.1111/jpr.12413.
Newman, S., Rocca, C., Zakaras, J., Ndunyu, L., Gitome, S. Bukusi, E. & Dworkin, S. (2018). Men’s gender role conflict and contraceptive use: An examination in Kenya. Contraception, 98, 358. http://doi.org/10.11016/j.contracderption.2018.07.089.
O’Beaglaoich, C., Conway, R., & Morrison, T.G. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents among Irish boys. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. DOI 10.1037/a0036018.
O’Beaglaoich, C., McCutcheon, J., Conway, P.F., Hanafin, J., & Morrison, T.G. (2020). Adolescent suicide ideation, depression, and self-esteem: Relationship to a new measure of gender role conflict. Front.Psychol. 11:111.doi:10.3389lfpsych.2020. 00111.
O’Beaglavich, C., Conway, R., Morrison, T.G. (2015). Psychometric propoerties of the Gender Role Conflict Scale among Irish boys. Psychology of men and Masculinity, 16, 33-41.
O’Beaglavich, C., Conway, R., Morrison, T.G. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Gender Role Conflict Scale among Irish boys. Psychology of men and Masculinity, 16, 33-41.
O’Beaglavich, C., Morrison, T.G., Nielson, E., Ryan, T. (2015). Experiences of gender role conflict as described by Irish boys. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 16, 312-325.
Park, J. & Seok Seo, Y. (2009). Gender role conflict and willingness to seek counseling in male university students: Testing the mediating role of social stigma, self stigma, and attitudes toward seeking counseling. The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 21, 25-48.
Senn, C.Y, Desmarais, S., Verberg, N. & Wood, E. (2000). Predicting coercive sexual behavior across the lifespan in a random sample of Canadian men. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 17, 95-113.
Sung,Y. (2020). Korean young adult perceptions of fathers’ gender role conflict, depressive symptoms, and paternal relationship quality: The mediating effects of fathers’ violence. Asia Pacific Journal of Counseling and psychotherapy, 11:1, 76-92.
Theodore, H. & Lloyd, B.F. (2000) Age and gender role conflict: A cross-sectional study of Australian men. Sex Roles, 42, 1027-1042.
Wester, S.R., Kuo, B.C., & Vogel, D.L. (2006). Multicultural coping: Chinese Canadian adolescents, male gender role conflict, and psychological distress. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 83-100.
Wolfram, H., Mohr, G., Borchert, J. (2009). Gender role self concept, gender role conflict, and well being in male primary school teachers. Sex Roles, 60, 114-127.
Afzal, N., Noor, S., Nadeem, R., Azhar, N., Kousar, E. (2020). Relationship between father son attachment and gender role conflict in men. Institute of Professional Psychology, Bahria University, Karachi Campus, Karachi, India.
Agoncillo, D.A., Del Rosario, J., & Nomil, M.A. (2004). Gender role conflict and person-job fit of male medical representatives. Honors Thesis, Department of Psychology, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines.
Aqsa, S. (2019). Translation of the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS-SF). Department of Social Sciences – Humanities, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
Barecki, J. (2013). The Polish adaptation of the Gender Role Conflict Scale. (Master thesis- University of Warsaw), Warsaw, Poland.
Bathan, E.J. (2016). Gender role conflict and experience in close relationship among psychologically distressed men: A cross-sectional study. (Thesis, Lyceum of the Philippines University- Batangas) Batangas, Philippines.
Batty, Z. (2006). Masculinity and depression: Men's subjective experience of depression, coping, and preferences for therapy types and conditions. (Ph.D. Dissertation) University of Western Sydney, Penrith South D C NSW, 1797, Australia.
Bjerke, A. & Skyllingstad, Y.E. (2002). Gender Role Conflict Scale in Sweden. Master Thesis (Institute of Psychology, Lunds University), Lund, Sweden, Psykologexamensuppsats, 4, 9.
Butler, M (2005). A gender comparison of relationships between gender role conflict and depression, anxiety, and stress in Australian university students. Psychology laboratory Report, RMIT University, Australia.
Cachia, P. (2001). The interplay of gender role conflict and adult attachment. (Master thesis, University of Malta), Department of Psychology, University of Malta, Malta.
Chamykarpour, M.A., Pourshahbaz, A., Dolatshahi, B., Moshtagh, N. (2012). Gender role conflict and seven factors model of personality among Iranian men. Tehran, Iran: University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences.
Coyne, A. (2015). Gender role conflict, fathering attitude and participation in parenting interventions. (Master thesis, University of Southern Queensland), Queensland, Australia.
Czientze, L. (2015). Do males seek help? Role of attachment, gender role conflict and disclosure. (Thesis, Department of Psychology, Help University), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Dolling, L. (2008). Examining the relationship between martial status, masculinity, optimism, and men's professional and non-professional help seeking. School Psychology, Psychiatry, & Psychological Medicine, Monash University, Churchill, Victoria, Australia.
Donaldson, S. (2015). Women seek help-men die. An investigation into the effects of middle aged men’s self-perceived gender roles identity and their experience with depression, (Doctoral dissertation: University of Dundee) Dundee, Scotland
Eimer, A. & Kidd, J. (2008). Understanding men's underutilisation of career counseling using gender role conflict theory. (Masters Thesis, University of London/Birkbeck, London, Great Britain.
Faria, M. (2000). Analysis of the components of gender role conflict. ULHT, Lisboa, Mestrado de Sexologia, Lisbon, Portugual.
Fitton, R. (2010) The effects of instrumentality, expressiveness, and age on male gender role conflict. Honors Thesis, Leeds Metropoliton University, Leeds, Great Britain.
Gallacher, R. (2016). An investigation into the effects of gender role conflict on attitudes of young adult males with regards to seeking psychological help. (Honors Thesis, Glasgow Caledonian University), Glasgow, Scotland.
Gottert, A.L. (2014). Gender norms, masculine gender role strain and HIV risk behavior among men in rural South Africa. (Doctoral dissertation – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. 3632740)
Gottert, A.,Barrington, C., Luz McNaughton-Reyes, H., Maman, S., MacPhail, C., Lippman, S.A., Kahn, K., Twine, R., Pettifor, A. (2018). Gender norms and gender conflict/stress and HIV risk behaviors among men in Mpumalanga,, South Africa. AIDS Behavior, 22(6): 1858-1869. Doi 10. 1007/s10461-017-1706-9.
Gough, F. (1999). Masculinity and psychological health in Australian men: Metropolitan, regional, and age comparisons. (Post Graduate thesis), Victoria University of Technology, Department of Psychology, Melbourne, Australia
Gulder, A. (1999). Male gender role conflict: A German translation of the Gender Role Conflict Scale. Diplomarbeit'/thesis in psychology. JoHann Wolfgang Goeth University, Department of Psychology, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Harris, A. (1997). Instrumentality, expressiveness and gender role conflict in men's choice of groups. Master Thesis, Department of Psychology, Monash University, Churchill, Victoria, Australia.
Heath, L. A. (2005). An examination of male gender role conflict and psychological distress. Minor Honours Thesis. RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
Holohan, S. (2008). Gender role conflict and therapist orientation: A study of the male psychotherapist of Irish Council of Psychotherapy. Master of Science Degree. Dublin City University, Dublin Ireland.
Holligan, A. (2014). Levels of masculinity, age, ethnicity, as predictors of attitudes toward seeking psychological help. Unpublished Thesis, Department of Government, Sociology, and Social Work. The University of West Indies, Cape Hill Campus.
Houle, J. (2005). Help seeking, social support, and masculine gender role in men who attempted suicide. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
Isonza, V.D. (2009). Evaluating masculinity and gender role conflict: Basis for deconstructing gender development in social dimensions of education. Doctoral dissertation, University of San Carlos), Cebu City, Philippines.
James, S.D. (2006). Gender role conflict, attachment style, interpersonal problems, and help seeking in adult men (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44/03.
Jana-Massri, A. (2011). Gender role conflict and attitudes toward seeking professional help in Egypt (Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)) Dissertation Abstract International, 72/03.
Jassim, A. (2012). Gender role conflict in Iraq. Masters theses. Al-Mustansirya University, Bagdad, Iraq.
Jiangcui, Z. (2015). Relationship among adult attachment, gender role conflict, and attitudes towards dating violence in college men. (Masters thesis, Fujian Normal University of China).
Jin, H.Z. (2012). Getting men with high gender role conflict to seek counseling: The effects of the therapist's gender and type of outreach message. (Masters Thesis, National University of Singapore, University of Melbourne- Singapore.
Juno, P. (2008). Gender role conflict and willingness to seek counseling in male university students The mediating roles of social stigma and attitudes toward counseling. Department of Education, The Graduate Yon Sei University, Seoule, Korea.
Kellett, P., O’Lynn, C.E. Herakova, L.L. O’Connor,T. (2003). Gender role conflict and male nursing students’ academic and program success. Journal of Nursing education, 62, (1), 42-46.
Kwanmuang, S. (2011). A study and counseling for decreasing gender role conflict and well-being problem of male students in Rajabhat University, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Pitsanuloke City, Thailand.
Kwiathowski, B. (2016). Growing up male: A social-emotional program for grade 11 males with behavioral needs in a BC secondary school. (Master Thesis, Trinity Western University), British Columbia, Canada.
McAnulty, S.W. (1996). The effectiveness of a parenting program in reducing gender role conflict and changing male role norms on regional Australian fathers. Thesis for graduate dipolma in Counseling Psychology Department, Department of Psychology, Monash University, Churchill, Victoria, Australia.
McConville, G., (2004). Gender role conflict, health and exercise behaviour in Australian males. Postgraduate Thesis, Department of Psychology, Monash University, Churchill, Victoria, Australia.
McMahon, J. (2009) Gender role conflict in gay men living in Ireland. Research Honor Project, Psychology Department, Dublin Business School, Dublin Ireland.
Mills, C.D. (2015). Understanding the influence of gender role conflict on the intra and interpersonal relationships of men living in the Western Cape Metropole. (Master thesis, University of Cape Town), Cape Town, South Africa.
Murauskaite, Z. (2012). The relationship between gender role conflict and psychological well-being among late adolescent boys. Thesis, Mykolo Romeria University, Psychology Department, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Murtagh, A. (2012). Male gender role conflict and its effects on the therapeutic relationship. Thesis: DBS School of Arts, Dublin, Ireland.
Nahon, D. (1992). The effectiveness of "masculinist" group psychotherapy in the treatment of recently separated men. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada).
Nauly, M (2003) Men’s Gender Role Conflict of Bataks, Minang (kabau)s and Javanese (Masters Thesis, University of Indonesia), Jakarta, Indonesia.
Parcel, R. (2010). The Shame of Masculine Vulnerability Questionnaire: Development and initial validation. Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
Park, J. (2010). Gender role conflict and willingness to seek counseling in male university students The mediating roles of social stigma and attitudes toward counseling. Department of Education, The Graduate Yon Sei University, Seoule, Korea.
Rooney, L. (2011). Police attitude toward individuals with intellectual disabilities: An investigation of age, education, contact, knowledge, & gender role conflict. (Doctoral dissertation, University Leicester), Leicester, Great Britain.
Ross, S. (2004). Masculinity in crisis: An investigation into patterns of gender role conflict between age groups. Bucks Chiltern University College, Bucks, Great Britain.
Tate, N.S. (1998). Social support and depression in male GP surgery attendees: An investigation of the link with gender role conflict. (Doctoral dissertation, Clinical Psychology, University of Newcastle. Upon Tyne, England.
Sawyer, D. (2015). Does chronic stress affect cancer? Socioeconomic status, attachment security, and restrictive emotionality: Dynamics within men affected by prostate cancer. Honor Thesis, RMIT University, Bundoora, Australia.
Scott, J. (2018). Gender role conflict, traditional masculinity ideology, and help seeking experiences of substance dependent men: A mixze4d methods model. (Masters thesis, University of Saskatchewan), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N5C9.
Scott-Storey, K., O’Donnell, S., Vincent, C.D., Malcolm, J., Wuest, J. (2023). Cumulative lifetime violence, gender role conflict, and cardiovascular disease risk in Eastern Canadian men. American Journal of Men’s Health. 2023, May-June: 17(3): 15579883231176996. Doi:10.1177/155798832311876996.
Simunic, A. (2015). Personal traits of deal-earner spouses and work-family conflict. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Zagreb), Zagreb, Croatia.
Theodore, H. (1998). The relationship between gender role conflict and psychological well being across the life span: A cross-sectional study of Australian men. Honors Thesis in Psychology. Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia.
Tormeti, L.A.E. (2015). The influence of gender-role strain and martial intimacy on spousal perception of martial conflict among Ghanaian dual career concepts. Research on Humanities and Social Science, 5, 125-131.
Tremblay, G., Philippe, M., Marc-Andre, D., & Valerie Bouchard, P. (2011). Gender role conflicts and depression among men. Revue Quebecoise de Psychologie, 32, 181-200.
Torres Rivera, E. (1995). Puerto Rican men, gender role conflict, and ethnic identity. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut). Dissertation Abstracts International, 56/10, 4159.
Tsai, Y. (2000). The study of the relationship between gender role conflict and attitudes toward help seeking. (Master thesis, Department of Guidance and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan.
Yang, X. & Xin, M. (2018). “Boy Crises” or Girl Risk”? The gender differences in non- suicidal self-injurious behavior among middle-school students in China and its relationship to gender role conflict and violent experiences.
Zhang, C., Blashill, A.J., Wester, S.R., O’Neil, J.M, Vogel, D.L., Wei, J., & Zhang, J. (2014). Factor structure of the Gender Role conflict Scale-Short From in Chinese hetereosexual and gay samples. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 16, 229-233
Arnold, W.J., & Chartier, B.M. (May, 1984). Identity, fear of femininity and intimacy in males. Paper presented at the 45th annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada.
Chartier, B.M, Graff, L.A., & Arnold, W.J. (June, 1986). Males socialization and hostility toward women. Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.
Chartier, B.M., & Arnold, W.J. (June, 1985). Male socialization and the development of identity and intimacy in young college men. Paper presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Jana-Masri, A. & Wester, S.R. (August, 2010). Gender role conflict and attitudes toward seeking professional help in Egypt. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA.
Jo, Eunkyung. (August, 2000). Gender role conflict in Korean men. In J.M. O'Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research in the year 2000: Innovative directions. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Kim, J., Choi, H., Ha, C. & O'Neil, J.M. (August, 2006). Self esteem, instrumentality, and gender role conflict in Korean college students. In J.M. ' O'Neil, & G.E. Good (chairs). Gender Role Conflict research and diversity - sexual orientation, rehabilitation, nationality. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Kim, J., Choi, H., Hwang, M. (August, 2008). Masculine gender role conflict and self concealment of Korean adolescent boys. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.
Kim, J., Hwang, M., Ryu, J. (August, 2005). Korean male students' sex-dominant majors, gender roles, and career indecision. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Kim, J., Park, K., Kim, H., & Choi, H. (August, 2006). Validation of the Korean-version Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Khera, G.S. (July, 2004).Relationship between acculturation and gender role conflict among South Asian men. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lease, S.H., Uruk, A., Boyraz, G., Stancil, B.A., Ovrebo, E., Demir, A., (August, 2007). Structual validity of the Gender Role Conflict Scale - Turkish version. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Mendoza, J. (June, 2000). Male socialization differences between court-ordered and voluntary male clients before treatment. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Nowakowska, A. (September, 2005). Masculine gender role conflict theory: Application in Poland and cross cultural comparison. Paper presented at the European Conference on Interpersonal Violence, Universite Paris 1 - La Sorbonne, Paris, France.
O'Neil, J.M., Owen, S.V., Holmes, S.E., Dolgopolov, N., & Slastenin, V. (August, 1994). Russian-American men's psychological violence toward women: Cross cultural differences. In J.M. O'Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Research on men's sexual and psychological assault of women: Programming considerations. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.
Theodore, H., Lloyd, B.F. & Roufeil, L. (August, 1999). Age, gender role conflict, and psychological well-being in Australian men. In J.M. O'Neil & G.E. Good (Chairs) Gender role conflict research: Studies assessing diversity and psychological factors. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Thiele, A. (November, 2005). Consequences of male gender roles: Male gender role conflict and stress. In A. Moller-Leimkuhler, M. Vorsitz, S. Kasper, (Chairs). Men and mental health disorders. Symposium German Congress of Psychiatry, Psychotherapies, and Neurology, Berlin, Germany.
Uruk, A.C., Stancil, B.A., Yanchak, K.V., Boyraz, G., Sweeney, J., Ovrebo, E., Demir, A., (August, 2005). Male role norms, relationship intimacy, and Turkish and American men. In S.H. Lease (Chair) Cross-cultural examinations of masculinity-health behaviors, relationships, and coping. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association convention.
Wester, S.R., Kuo, B.C. & Vogel, D.L. (August, 2005). Multicultural coping: Asian men, gender role conflict, and psychological distress. In S.H. Lease (Chair) Cross-cultural examinations of masculinity-health behaviors, relationships, and coping. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association convention.
O’Neil, J.M. (2011) Exploring the psychology of Russian men with Russian psychologists during my Fulbright scholarship in the former soviet union. In C. Blazina & D. Shen-Miller (Eds.) An international psychology of men: Theoretical advances, case studies, and clinical innovations, (pp. 361-383), New York: Routledge.
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O’Neil, J.M. (2011). Twenty-five Years of Gender Role Conflict Research: A Thematic and Empirical Summary.