Special Issue Teaching the Psychology of Men Publications (2013)
Below are the articles from the journal of Psychology of Men and Masculinity 2013 special issue on Teaching the Psychology of Men
- O’Neil, J.M., Renzulli, S., Liu. W. (Eds.) (2013). Special issue: Teaching the psychology of men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.14, 221-270.
- O’Neil, J.M. & Renzulli, S. (2013). Introduction to the special: Teaching the psychology of men – A Call to Action. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 14, 221-229.
- O’Neil, J.M. & Renzulli, S. (2013). Teaching the psychology of men: A national survey of professor’s attitudes and content analysis of their courses – A Call to Action. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 14, 230-239.
- Kilmartin, C., Addis, M., Mahalik, J. R.M., & O’Neil, J.M. (2013). Teaching the psychology of men: Four experienced professors describe their courses. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 14, 240-247.
- Mahalik, J. R., Addis, M., Kilmartin, C., & O’Neil, J.M. (2013) Complexities and challenges when teaching the psychology of men: Four experienced professors discuss their pedagogical process. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.14, 248-255.
- Crapser, B. G. & Elder, W.B. (2013). Graduate students teach the psychology of men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.14, 256-263. DOI:10.1037/a0033256.
- Chrisler, J.C. (2013). Teaching about gender: Rewards and challenges. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.14, 264-267. DOI:10.1037/a0033260 .
- Robertson, J.M. (2103). Teaching the psychology of men: Not for the classroom only. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.14, 264-267. DOI:10.1037/a0033259